Few years ago I discovered a PixelBlaze LED controller.
It can control variety of Addressable LED Strips and 2D/3D LED Matrixes. Plus it has a very nice HE Driver and of course, all controls are 100% local. Since this discovery I converted all my LED Strips to Addressable COB Strips and in addition I have two matrix-based lighting projects (as of today 10 projects all together). Recently I found a ready-to-go very nice fire patterns. As a result I immediately created two virtual Torches and Fireplace. Virtual Flame on the Torches and Fireplace looks very natural and very relaxing. Here is a picture of my living room (I have a short video, it looks much better than a picture but I have no idea how to upload a video):
There are two Virtual Torch LED Lights on the far side around opening to the kitchen. Virtual Fireplace (this is 48x24 LED Matrix) is under the TV and just a Rainbow Strip is above the TV.
If anybody is interested in Decorative LED lighting I definitely will recommend PixelBlaze as an LED Strip/Matrix controller.