Leak Sensor Recommendations?

Thanks. I see ThirdReality was 2 for $30 so I think I will try those.

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I have four of these with the high sensitivity option for our rental space. I like that they beep and the battery life is good. They have always triggered when there was an actual problem.

Thanks! I live in a condo in Florida and the a/c is in a closet and sits on a shelf. There is a built in drip-pan, but it almost always has a bit a water in it. A couple of weeks ago I had my 2nd water overflow in 12 years, and neither tripped off the auto-stop. The a/c unit sits on a wood shelf which typically gets damp in one spot, but then it drips into the air return beneath it. I'm not sure where it really drips from, and it isn't standing water in there, but there is a cloth that gets very wet when that happens, so I hope just being damp is enough. I'll test them with some damp paper towels. Since I don't know exactly where the drip comes through I'm going to play around using some speaker cord that I will spilt with a thin divider say every 6 inches and strip off the plastic there to see if that will give me a much wider coverage.

Should be. It's pretty darn sensitive, and reacts to the smallest amount of water.

Thanks again. Appreciate the super fast response. I got it on Amazon with a 2 day delivery. so I hope to test them out of the box then or Thursday and then with the speaker wire.

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Hey @coreystup -How's your linkind water sensors? The one I have keeps falling off my C7, all my other zigbee devices are fine. I even moved it next to the hub and it still falls off in a few days

PS-trying your driver, but have no prefs showing for battery reports. I re-paired after changing to your driver.
What does your data section look like?

Acknowledging that you asked a specific person, I'll butt in anyway. I have 4 of them on my C-8 and they've been fine since the initial pairing debacle (it was when the C-8 was having Zigbee growing pains), but all has been well since.

Since they don't make them anymore, I've been buying the ThirdReality ones (that are currently on sale at Amazon) instead and they work well too.

It's too bad, I like the design of the linkind ones better.

Have you looked at the neo-coolcam's? They're fantastic and they come with a 60" pig tail if you want to submerge.

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I hadn't. They look interesting. I might be all set for now with the ThirdReality sale yesterday, but if I find I want more, I'll pick some up.

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I get them off of walmart.com for $19.00 usually. I'm sure you can find these for less. @kkossev wrote the drivers. Robot or human?

I'll butt in too. I have four of the LinkInd and under my old C-4, they all worked fine. After migrating to a C-7 two of them still work fine. The other two are flakey. It seems they will join and also report wet/dry, but they don't report battery or any other sign of life.

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I don't currently have any on my "production" C7's. I moved them to the larger Zigbee network under SmartThings.

I do have one on my C8 for testing but its just using the default driver - I didn't install my own driver to test it with yet.

Under the C8 with default driver:

On ST they are super stable and never fall off! :slight_smile:

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Another buttinski here--I have 13 running on one C4 and 3 running on another C4. All have been super reliable and regularly report battery level every 16 hours. All are using the Generic Zigbee Moisture Sensor.

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@coreystup @HAL9000 @SteveV -Thanks for the reply guys. Looks like I'll be moving mine to my C4. I f that doesn't work I still have a small ST setup, which has been really reliable and I don't waste time troubleshooting it. Time will tell

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If you do run them on ST, I have an Edge driver available for it. Check the forums or PM me for more information if you need it.