Latest Sensative Strips Guard 700 not recognized - please add to database

Just got a 500 series RMA'ed by Sensative - the new one shows up as "Device"

Fingerprint Mfr: 019A
Prod: 0004
DeviceID: 0004

Anything else that needs to be provided to have this added to the database for it to be recognized as Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor? Wondered why the S2 process completed -- took me a bit to notice "Device" smh

actually we need the device fingerprint, this should have been sent to the live logs by the device driver when it joined.

Hm. Thats kind of what i thought i was providing. Here's what log info is present. The replacement is a 700

this is for the 700 series Strips Comfort

  • deviceId: 12
  • deviceType: 4
  • inClusters: 0x5E,0x22,0x55,0x9F,0x6C
  • manufacturer: 410
  • secureInClusters: 0x86,0x85,0x8E,0x59,0x72,0x31,0x5B,0x5A,0x87,0x73,0x80,0x70,0x71,0x84,0x7A

The Strips Multi device type seams to work fine for it.

thanks, but I really need the fingerprint as generated by "Device" and sent to the live logs during join...

Just got 2 800s

Captured direct from the Live Logs:

dev:20562024-03-01 04:40:05.228 PMwarnparse(String description) not implemented
dev:20562024-03-01 04:40:01.746 PMwarnparse(String description) not implemented
dev:20562024-03-01 04:39:28.717 PMinfoZ-Wave command:SupervisionGet(statusUpdates:false, sessionID:7, commandLength: 9, commandClassIdentifier: 113, commandIdentifier:5, commandByte:[0, 0, 0, 255, 6, 22, 0]
dev:20562024-03-01 04:39:22.502 PMinfoZ-Wave command:SupervisionGet(statusUpdates:false, sessionID:6, commandLength: 9, commandClassIdentifier: 113, commandIdentifier:5, commandByte:[0, 0, 0, 255, 6, 23, 0]
dev:20562024-03-01 04:36:55.598 PMinfoZ-Wave command:WakeUpNotification()
dev:20562024-03-01 04:36:45.733 PMinfoZ-Wave command:WakeUpIntervalReport(nodeid:1, seconds:43200)
dev:20562024-03-01 04:36:44.944 PMinfoZ-Wave command:SupervisionGet(statusUpdates:false, sessionID:4, commandLength: 9, commandClassIdentifier: 113, commandIdentifier:5, commandByte:[0, 0, 0, 255, 6, 22, 0]
dev:20562024-03-01 04:36:44.913 PMinfoZ-Wave command:BatteryReport(batteryLevel:100)
dev:20562024-03-01 04:35:41.383 PMinfofingerprint mfr:"019A", prod:"0004", deviceId:"0004", inClusters:"0x5E,0x9F,0x55,0x6C,0x22"
dev:20562024-03-01 04:35:41.362 PMdebugbuilding fingerprint for unknown Z-Wave device...
dev:20562024-03-01 04:35:31.334 PMdebuggetting device info in 10 seconds...

If this isn't it, I need more dummy-proof instructions and I'll try to repeat for the 700 and 800s :wink: