Latest Release RM errors

@bravenel - There seems to be an issue with the latest hotfix - I am getting strange errors (and these are Rules with delays so maybe the previous issue was not corrected completely). This is what is showing in the logs for two different rules:

2019-12-10 23:12:21.293 errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "00 cancel" on line 6202 (appButtonHandler)

2019-12-10 23:11:18.001 errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "00 cancel" on line 6202 (allHandler)

Same observation here (with the same error). Happens when a rule with a delayed action is run.

Confirmed here too

Seeing similar issue for rules with delayed actions that previously were running fine.

Looks like the error has been confirmed as a bug to be fixed.

The latest hot fix release fixes this issue.