Happened to buy another Iris Smart Plug today (3210-L, current model for the popular Zigbee outlet with Z-Wave repeater) and noticed that on pairing it wasn’t identified as a Generic Zigbee Outlet; it just came up just as a device. When I set its type to Zigbee Outlet, the “current states” was blank (it will not show the on/off state of the plug, even though the ‘on’ ‘off’ buttons are there and they do turn the plug on and off. The power was displayed under current states, when enabled.
I reset it and paired it under SmartThings; it was discovered as an outlet and displayed properly in the ST app. I looked at it in the IDE and noticed it has a newer firmware version; 0x20815010 vs. the original 0x20015010 of my older Iris plugs.
ST IDE shows the raw description has apparently changed:
Please open a ticket with support@hubitat.com and they can sort it out. When you paired it with Hubitat, and changed the driver to Generic Zigbee Outlet did “configure” or “refresh” log or update the state?
FYI, I use the Generic Zigbee Outlet on several of those and I have state updating, but I’m guessing they are the older firmware versions.
My email to support@hubitat.com bounced; helpdesk@hubitat.com is the replacement.
EDIT: Disregard this ^^^
My original email autocorrected hubitat to habitat. Either that or my brain autocorrected
Just resubmitted (to support@hubitat.com this time) and got an instant acknowledgement.
Any update on this issue? I am considering purchasing some of the 3210-L outlets to strengthen my Zigbee/Z-Wave mesh networks for Hubitat. Just want to make sure they are going to pair and function properly.
Dan, these are the same smart plugs you were just commenting about in the other thread suggesting that I change the power reporting. I paired three of them yesterday and they all paired just fine as a "Generic Zigbee Outlet".
Great, thanks for the info. Are your outlets older ones, or recently purchased? Sounds like there may be an issue with newer firmware. I guess I could just pick one up and try it and hope for the best!
The older ones are discovered automatically with the zigbee outlet type; the new ones just discovered as a device. Even the newer ones (those with updated firmware) will function once you change the device type, and they will function properly with automations. However you cannot tell their on/off state from the UI (unless something happens to be plugged into them that shows nonzero power) as the ‘Current States’ shows no on/off text. And on/off events for these firmware versions don’t appear in the event log. Yet power events do. Support has told me they will be incorporating a fix.
BTW, the Z-Wave (repeater) side of these seems to pair identically as the older firmware models (when you plug the device in, RAPIDLY press it 8 times within 2 seconds-- if it starts flashing blue very rapidly, keep it very close to the hub and wait for the inclusion to complete).
Mine are older. I have had them for several years. I am sure you can find the older ones in the store. Look for the ones with the dust on the top of the box.
The new ones might be better… I tried out one of each in my basement and couldn’t get a Z-Wave repair to complete with the older one when I moved it down there. The newer one didn’t show that issue. Talk on the ST forum says that the firmware addressed Z-Wave issues with these.
It took a bit to get this working for me. Any ZigBee device I try to pair I have to be very close (within 5 feet) of the hub. Once I got the 3210 close enough it finally paired but it seemed confused and create both a Zigbee and a Z-Wave device (or maybe I’m the one who is confused). I took the 3210 driver off of SmartThings Gethub and used it to create a device in Hubitat. Now things are working really well and I finally have full ZigBee range throughout the house.
The Z-Wave repeater in the Iris 3210-L Zigbee plug will show up as a Z-Wave device after it is paired to your hub. It is normal for it (AFAIK) to show ‘unknown’ status in your list of devices, but should show status ‘ALIVE’ in the Z-Wave information section if it is properly included in your network (it will show FAILED or DEAD should it not successfully complete a Z-Wave repair). At least that’s what I’ve seen with my devices so far.
So I did some more experimenting and the 3210 gets discovered properly with the DTH I modified by @blebson on their SmartThings gethub. That takes care of the ZigBee end of things.
I’m now playing with a DTH from Steve White which works specifically on the Z-Wave portion of the 3210. I did the standard replace with hubitat and removed all the tile references. I get the following error which I don’t have enough experiece to sort out:
No signature of method: Script1.paragraph() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.String) values: [By default, only device status is reported. If you are experiencing an issue with the SmartPlug, you can enable additional output in the IDE.]
Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it?
I did some work on the 3210 Z-Wave repeater code by Steve White. The Z-Wave portion of my devices are now active, but are not responding correctly to the Interrogate Device. I will keep working on this, but it’s a learning curve for me and will take time. If someone else knows how to fix this, please let me know.
What firmware level 3210-L is your plug using (it’s shown in the ST IDE; I don’t think Hubitat shows it anywhere)? Was your plug discovered as a generic plug by hubitat? If so it is the older version. The newer one just comes up as ‘device’. I doubt your modified driver will discover the new plug properly since the fingerprint doesn’t match (I posted the raw data in the beginning of this thread).
I tried your Zigbee code on the new 0x20815010 version and now the UI shows ‘on’ and ‘off’ in both current states and the event log (unlike the generic Zigbee Outlet driver, which doesn’t display anything), but it always shows power 0 & energy 0 no matter how I configure or refresh the settings. The generic version does display power correctly. Also your version shows heartbeat alive in the device event log. I’m not sure what this is for (I never used this version of the driver in ST).
I also get warnDID NOT PARSE MESSAGE for description : read attr - raw: 4174010B040A0B05290A00, dni: 4174, endpoint: 01, cluster: 0B04, size: 0A, attrId: 050B, encoding: 29, value: 000A in the logs.
I haven’t received any updates from support on the status of the problem I opened for this; it hasn’t been fixed in the recent code update.
As I mentioned, this is a learning curve for me. I’ve never programed DTHs before, but I wanted to do something to try and make sure these 3210 plugs were working so my ZigBee network was extending. When I asked support about the lack of power on the USB dongle, the reply was “Our testing was inconclusive.” So it seems an absolute to have one of these if you have ZigBee devices. I have 19. Ok, off my soap box.
I don’t know the firmware of my plugs. I bought them a week ago so I think they are new. I’ll move one back over to ST and see what it reports.
I’m running into an interesting pairing process with non-hubitat drivers. I can pair the device once and it will be seen as a device. Sometimes it will be seen as a generic zigbee “whatever.” I then associated it with the correct driver and delete it. The next time it associates with the correct driver. This is the process I’ve used with the 2 3210s, 15 Visonic Contact Sensors and 4 leakSmart sensors. I’m not sure if it’s cached or how the whole process behind the scenes works.
I am using this diver because it give me the ability to turn it on and off and recognize the device as what it is. I will take some time over the weekend and learn more about how to write drivers and see if I can clean up both the ZigBee and the Z-Wave drivers.