Kwikset zigbee lock double events


I’m new to hubitat and currently converting from Smartthings. Tonight I paired up my kwikset 914 zigbee smart lock and while it’s working fine, I’m noticing two events in the event log for each lock or unlock thus causing me to get two notifications for the lock/unlock events. I’m also getting two notifications when I lock or unlocked. I’ve read a few other posts and this seems to be a thing, does anyone have a fix for this?

Thank you?

I created my notification in RM and use a wait for event elapsed time of 5 second.

Lock unlock

Wait for event: --> elapsed time: 0:00:05

That way if it triggers twice, which mine does as well, I only get one notification.

@terminal3 thank you for the advice. I tried to set up a rule in rule machine to send a pushover notification when any of the locks locked and it does send a notification but it says null. when I use the %text% variable so I know how and who locked the door, the notification says null. I have the rule written

Trigger: when Any of the door locks lock

Action: wait -> 5 seconds
Then send pushover notification %text%

And all I get is “null” as my notification

Use %device% and %value%

@terminal3 I changed %text% to %device% and %value% now the notification says “elapsed time and “
It seems like the variables are taking the info from the wait action and sending it in a notification instead of taking the info from the lock state

You will need to create a local string variable and set it to device before the wait. Should have mentioned that. If the wait times out, and it will every time, then your device gets set to elapsed time indicating your wait timed out.

Then use the string variable in your notification. I am not sure on Value but I think it should be lock or unlocked.

An example:

@terminal3 I’m having a hard time getting the variable setup, any way you could show me an example of your rule? If not I understand thank you

@terminal3 thank you I’ll take another try

@terminal3 im struggling here. Is there any way you could walk me through writing a rule that will send me a notification that reads front door lock unlocked manually, programmatically, or by user code, which ever way was used to unlock.

@terminal3 so I think I figured out how to use the %text% variable and it sometimes tells me which method was used to unlock or lock but other times it just tells me the “front door was unlocked”. I’m thinking it’s hit or miss on the correct notification depending on which of the two notifications gets logged first. I think it’s not working correctly because the device logs two events. One just says locked or unlocked and one says locked or unlocked and which method was used. This really sucks, I want to know which method was used to lock or unlock but I don’t want two notifications. I guess I’ll have to deal with two

I never really played around too much with the lock rule. the rule below works for me, I am using %text% however. You said that wasn't be filled in your rule, so that may be a driver issue as I am using the virtual lock. In my rule I only get a notification if a lock is unlocked. I don't care how.

See below but you can trigger on the lock changing, and if a lock code is entered. The %text% variable should get updated, but as I said that may be a driver dependent thing. I am using the generic Zigbee lock driver for my Kwikset 914. When I get home I can test and see what values get filled.

[edit] something else I just realized, I have a Kwikset conversion kit so there are no lock codes to be entered. If your's is the same then lock codes is not an option.

So I just checked my lock, which is a kwickset 914 conversion lock. Using a trigger of changed and filling the variable with %text% the message says if the lock is locked and unlocked and if it was digital or manual. These are the 4 messages I got locking and unlocking via manual and using the dashboard. The rule is below.

Front Door lock was locked by digital command at 02:22
Front Door lock was unlocked by digital command at 02:22
Front Door lock was locked by manual at 02:22
Front Door lock was unlocked by manual at 02:22

Thank you for taking the time to check that.
I wrote a rule almost the same as your except I used pushover instead of logging. The notification works but instead of telling me how it was unlocked or locked, it just says front door lock locked at time, screenshot attached. @mike.maxwell posted that the double notifications would be resolved in next platform release.

Which driver are you using for your lock?

Generic zigbee lock seems to be the only driver that works