Noticed this morning that my front door lock was reporting a status of "unlocked" however it was locked. Digging further it looks like it's been that way for a day. Everything is functioning though correctly and I can send commands to unlock/lock without issue. This however breaks automations to lock the door after X minutes. C8 is updated, and zwave firmware appears to be up to date as well. I've power cycled hub and pulled the batteries to power cycle the lock but no change. Screenshots below, any ideas??
Have you figured this out by any chance?
I have multiple Kwikset 620's and there's a single one which simply refuses to consistently report status. It also sometimes stops receiving events altogether. I've tried updating everything, repairing everything, power cycling everything to no avail.
Mine do that every time the batteries get low-ish.
Replace the batteries and see if it fixes it. It does on mine. every time.
If that doesn't help, then I don't have any other suggestions. Maybe you just have a bad device?
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Exactly my experience. Battery reports about 70% and still respond to commands, but state reporting stops.
I am seeing this same behavior from my 2 Kwikset 620s. The one that failed to report status yesterday shows 93% battery. When lock status isn't accurately reported, the AutoLock app does not work, resulting in a front door that stays unlocked all night. This leads to nosediving WAF. While I look for a solution (maybe new lock firmware?) I have set up a rule that alerts me if the door switch changes to open while the lock reports locked. Removing the battery pack for 2 minutes and reinstalling it usually restores function, but it will fail again at a random interval.
Replace the batteries and see if it changes... Regardless what % it is reporting.
You won't find (or get from the manufacturer) any firmware updates for the lock. They don't release them.
I have found this before with many devices when the batteries are low. If you give them a break they will recover enough for the device to work again for a short while. That might be what is happening. Try fresh batteries.
After the initial thread, I replaced the batteries in this lock. Around 2 weeks later, status updates stopped again. I pulled the battery pack and the voltage was around 7, with the lock still reporting 100% battery. For context, this lock is connected to a C8 which is about 18 feet away, line of sight.
Did it start working again when you put the same battery pack in the lock with the batteries unchanged? If so, then it is a lock issue (as you effectively reboot the lock by doing that).
Is that a typo or did you measure 7V? That should never happen with 4 x AA batteries.
It's not uncommon for fresh alkaline batteries to measure more than 1.5 volts. The point I was making is that there is no mechanical/electronic defect in the lock that was draining the batteries over the two week period, which would support the hypothesis that weak batteries were causing the lack of status updates.