This is my first post here. I hope I'm doing it right! I'm a real newbie when it comes to Hubitat and it's configuration.
Sometime last night my Konoz thermostat stopped getting schedule updates from Thermostat Scheduler. Previously this had happened when I had added Konoz to the Alexa skill. Once I removed Konoz from the Alexa skill the problem went away.
So this morning it missed a setpoint change that was scheduled for 7am. I noticed it about an hour ago and have tried adjusting the temperature from the dashboard with no success. The dashboard shows the temperature being changed from 77 to 81 but when I go look at the thermostat it still shows 77 and when I get back to the computer and check the setting again it's also back to 77.
For whatever reason the Konoz seems to be sending out it's current setpoint but it's not accepting a new setpoint.
The logs show HE sending out the changes, 77, 78, 79, 80 and 81. Nothing else in the logs.
It would appear that the Konoz is not sending or receiving at all. It fails to respond to temperature changes from the dashboard and at the same time the temperatures displayed on the Konoz don't match what is on the dashboard.
The Konoz does seem to be controlling the HVAC just fine, it's just not communicating with the HE.
Will it restart if you pop it off of the base. From the manual. it looks likes the wires go to the base and the Thermostat attaches to that (like almost all thermostats).
I tried that about an hour ago and nothing changed. It doesn't have batteries since it is powered by the C wire but I went ahead and hit the reset button for 3 seconds anyway and then reinstalled. It still wasn't working after that.
I think during all of this the dashboard face plate was brown. Well guess what, 5 minutes ago the air conditioner kicked on (the temp on the konoz was 79 and the setpoint was 78) so I looked at the dashboard and it was blue and accurately showed what was on the konoz. I then tried bumping the setpoint on the dashboard up to 81 and a short time later the air conditioner turned off and both the konoz and the dashboard show the same information and the dashboard is brown again.
I haven't got a clue what might have changed over the last 5 minutes for it to start working again.
Maybe another clue. Sometimes the wifi icon on the Konoz is flashing and other times it is on (i.e. not flashing). The reason I ask is the konoz again appears to not be responding to changes from the dashboard and the wife icon is flashing.
It appears you may be on to something. I pulled a brand new Sengled outlet out of the box and tried pairing it with the hub. The hub couldn't find it. I tried several times without success. I just now powered down the HE and will wait 20 minutes and try again.
I just tried turning off an Amcrest wifi camera that I had recently installed and things are looking a little better. I had tried turning off the HE for 20 minutes and that didn't make any difference as I still couldn't pair with the new Sengled outlet. As soon as I turned the camera off I tried pairing again and it happened almost immediately.
I'm also able to send commands to the Konoz again. So for the moment it appears the camera might be the culprit. Later today I'll turn the camera back on after I power down the HE again since I just added a new zigbee device. I'll let you know what happens.
Here's an update. After turning off the camera, adding in another Sengled outlet and then turning off HE for 20 minutes things look pretty good. It took about an hour for the Konoz to sync properly. The flashing wifi icon on the Konoz appears to indicate that syncing is in progress. When it's steady state communications is no issue.
The new Sengled outlet that I added was placed halfway between the HE and the Konoz. I'm going to turn the camera back on this evening to see if it still interferes with the new zigbee arrangement.
Here's another update on the Konoz issues that I have encountered since installing it.
The problems mentioned above were resolved after replacing the faulty Hubitat Hub. Over a period months the hub slowly stopped responding and I would have to power cycle it to get it back online. After a power cycle it would work for a few hours or days and then lock up again. Working with Hubitat technical support we concluded that the hub was bad. After purchasing a replacement hub I no longer have communications issues between the hub and the Konoz.
I did have a rather unusual and concerning issue with the Konoz the other day. We had a power outage at the house that lasted about an hour. Once power was restored the Konoz called for the AC to turn on at a setpoint of 78 degrees which was correct. However instead of getting cold air out of the ducts I was getting 110 degree air.
After some troubleshooting and going through the Konoz settings I realized that it had reverted to it's default settings. Instead of Heat Pump it was set for Conventional mode. This meant that the reversing valve did not cycle so instead of cold air it was creating heat. Once I changed back to the settings I had originally selected it's been working fine.
Needless to say this has me concerned that the next time I have a power loss I'll have the same problem. I was lucky in that I was home at the time but next time I may not be. I don't think I would enjoy walking into the house in the middle of the summer with the inside at around 100 degrees.
Currently I don't have batteries in the Konoz because I have the C wire per their instructions. I need to do some testing but now I'm wondering what good batteries would be in that you have to remove the Konoz from the wall to change the batteries. One would think the settings would be reset once the batteries were removed for changing to new ones.
FYI - From what others have stated in the community, Sengled Zigbee outlets are not Zigbee repeaters. They are 'end-devices' and thus will not help to strengthen your Zigbee mesh network.
Thanks, I had read that about Sengled after making my original post. About that same time is when I realized that the hub was starting to randomly lock up. Hubitat was great to work with which was nice.
Also, I just got off the phone with Konoz and they are going to replace the Thermostat. Apparently what I experience is not common and the devices are supposed to have static memory so something like I experienced shouldn't happen. I will admit it was kinda freaky to see the default settings on the thermostat.
It's possible that if I would have had batteries in the thermostat I may not have experienced the issue since the outage was only for about an hour. It's my understanding that static memory is more or less permanent so I should be able to pull the thermostat and leave it unplugged for a year, plug back in and it should have the customer settings intact.