Kitchen Fridge Monitor

I finally made the jump to Hubitat after dealing with ST issues for too long. I was using an app called Super Notifier to monitor our Fridge temp and notify us if it got too high. Since that is no longer an option I'm toying around with Rules Machine and would like to know if this looks proper or not to get a notification?

I use the Notifications App for this same purpose. Simpler and works great.

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You have a screenshot of how yours is setup?

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Awesome thanks, to be clear, if reading as you posted this will alert you every 12 minutes until the temp is below your set of 42? I jut want to make sure I'm doing this right, its similar to some of the ST stuff but much more powerful (IMHO) I'm sure once I get the hang of it I'll be a master in no time.

That's correct. It used to worry the wife when she would load groceries in the fridge when I had it set lower. So I kept bumping it up to give more time for the fridge to get cold again. :slight_smile:

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Thank you sir

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I too use Notifications for this on a ton of sensors.

I also added inclusion for only specific modes.

Dont forget the ending ENDIF