King of Fans Controller

I have 4 fans using the "King of Fans" zigbee controller. All were working great until 1 of them lost low speed. To check the wiring I dropped power to the circuit and now none of them will respond or rejoin.

Currently running version:

I have attempted to zigbee join, rebooted the hub, toggeled the zigbee radio from Channel 20 to 21 to 11 to 26 to 20, rebooting the hub and testing my zigbee lights each time. The fans are responsive to the remote controllers, but not to zigbee.

I've tried pairing with 2 second, 3 second, 4 second, and 5 second intervals of switching the breaker on/off. I got 2 of them to pair at one point.

I've tried deleting them entirely from the Device List. No response. I'm really frustrated... what am I missing or what can I do to add the right info to this request for ideas?

To factory reset them, following the following sequence:

  1. Start with the power to the device off.
  2. Turn power to the fan on for 3 second then off for 3 seconds. Repeat this 5 times. (if you have a switch going to the fan, use that, other wise you have to use the breaker)
  3. Light will flash 3 times to indicate that the fan reset.

Then try and re-discover the device.

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When you change zigbee channels it will take up 48 hours to update the mesh. It's not immediate.

Also, make sure you have a repeater as close as possible to the King of Fans module. For re-pairing, having the hub really close might helpful, too, or at least I usually had better luck that way.

What really helped me here was replacing the antenna, and I'd highly recommend doing so if you're able to. It's really easy if you have access to the module--just a couple screws to open it up and a standard uFL (I think) connector for the antenna. The hard part for some people is that the fan is already mounted on an awkwardly high or angled ceiling. :slight_smile: (Since doing this, I have had zero worries and was able to move the repeater I put as close as possible to somewhere I actually wanted it--and it paired through the mesh as soon as I reset it.)

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Yes, I've repeated this process a dozen times from the breaker. These fans don't have lights, so I don't get the visual clue if they've actually reset/switched into pairing mode.

The fans are surrounded by 21 peanut switched outlets (zigbee) and have been extremely reliable on the mesh.

After changing channels I test the zigbee outlets and they are working in sync on the new channel. I'm pretty confident the units either aren't reseting or the discovery process is broken/wedged somewhere. I've tried watching the zigbee logs but I don't understand what I'm reading.

Try a shorter on/off cycle, like 1.5-2 seconds for each on/off, and then when your trying to pair the reset KOF fan controller, hit the button on the peanut plug to connect, and it connects right up

I was just struggling with the same thing. I have 3 Hampton Bay Fan Controllers (which I seem to recall say something about King of fans when they first pair). They have all been rock solid until yesterday when one of them dropped off. I tried factory resetting it with the 3 seconds on 3 seconds off 5 times. The first time it worked perfectly, light started blinking after the 5th time and then I was able to pair. But then it dropped off again and I couldn't get the factory reset to work again. I ended up coming across another post that said to do the 3 seconds on, 3 seconds off 5 times and then just leave it after the 5th time and sure enough, a few minutes later the light blinked and then I went into ZigBee pairing and it paired. Not sure why the light blinked immediately after the process the first time but then the next time took a while Maybe try that a couple of times?

Any guess how long it took. I don't have lights on these fans, so I am just resetting the 60 second counter and don't know if I should try for 5 minutes or 30 minutes.

OK, I have them working again. I had to unplug all my Peanut switched outlets and then it worked as expected.

Strangely, I had to do the same to re-pair a Zen Zigbee Thermosat. @bravenel maybe there's something to look at in terms of number of Zigbee devices being capped before discovery fails? It all worked at some point, but I have no idea what changed or what info would help confirm/deny the problem is in the Hubitat discover code vs the zigbee mesh.

This could be telling.

I have two separate zigbee networks, both of which have more repeaters than battery devices.
No issues adding new devices to either network, including a kof unit I added this past weekend.
One has 80 zigbee devices the other about 25.

What channel is this network on. I've seen some hair-brained theories on peanuts and others having strong preferences.


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