Keypad handler

So I am trying to setup an xfinity keypad I just got. Hubitat has found it but only as a generic device. I am reading that I may need a keypad handler code ? Is this correct and can anyone point me in the direction to find it ?

Try the Centralite driver but also posting the make and model of the keypad you have would help everyone.

Also searching for β€œxfinity” will help you.

keypad is the xhk1-ue

so I have searched but I am also new to hubitat. Is there a specific place to fnd the centralite driver or a different one that will work ?

Did you pair the device to Hubitat? What device did it select automatically? You can find that on the device edit page.

Yeah, so go to the Devices menu and find and select the keypad you've paired.
Then scroll down the page to where you saw that the Hub had allocated 'generic' and choose CentraLite Keypad.

ah , got it . Thank You guys !

Is there an advantage to getting the other handler ?

Sorry, I'm not much of a mind reader and as threads can branch it pays to be more specific in your questions. What do you mean "the other HANDLER" ?

From the forums I believe the xfinity , the CentraLite and Iris keypads are all made by one company so they use the same driver.

No, actually the Iris branded keypads are made by either Centralite or some other company. The Gen 2 are centralite and the Gen 3 iris aka xfinity are made by a company called Magic Home I believe.

The other handler or driver I am referring to is one made by RBoy . I found a link to it during a google search .

Yeah, that's a smartthing DTH not a Hubitat driver. You would have to port it over to HE's architecture. For example, there is Smart Home Monitor in's Hubitat Safety Monitor. They're not always plug and play from one system to the other.