Keypad for HSM that isn't Iris or Centralite?

I've been researching in the forum looking for how to set up a keypad for HSM. Everything seemed to point to Iris or Centralite keypads, but both seem to be totally unavailable anywhere, I guess they're discontinued or severely covid-delayed.

Is there any other keypad out there that does the same thing and is supported? Or am I just out of luck?

Edit: I'm looking for something new and supported with a warranty, not used.



I think your best bet these days for something still manufactured and supported is the Ring Keypad v2.

From the Hubitat Compatible Devices List

Note: I have no firsthand experience with this device, but there are numerous threads in the community that mention it.


Interesting, didn't realize the Ring keypad could be used by itself like that. I may give it a shot, but looks like I have to upgrade to a C7 first. :frowning:


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You shouldn't, it's backwards compatible with 500 series chips

Yes.. Unfortunately this device will not function without S2 security.


Did not know that myself. I wouldn't have thought it

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