Keyfob Control

After running out of things around the house to connect/automate, I’ve started working on a control system for our camper. Using home assistant for that so far, although I have an HE slated for it if I need it. I got through connecting all the stuff that was already onboard, then worked through all the lighting and now on the fringe stuff - battery monitor, tank level sensors, etc.
This morning I decided to work on the keyless entry. I connected 4 wires between the camper keyfob and a Wemos D1 Mini - 3.3v, gnd and two digital output gpio’s. I then removed the battery holder on the keyfob and put it all in an enclosure about the same size as the original key fob, and tasmotized the wemos. The whole thing stays powered off the 5v USB connection on the wemos; and now I have a sustainable means of locking or unlocking the camper door. Total cost - $3… and the sacrifice of the keyfob of course. Same concept should work on any vehicle keyfob as well.


Another solution would be to use a Fingerbot.

I also had to gut a fob.

I did this the same thing with my truck keyfob and wrote automations to auto lock the car after I arrive home and at scheduled times. It also impressise friends when I can ask Alexa to lock my 2010 truck! :joy:

I was able to do it all in hubitat without homeasssistant using this custom driver and a little bit of arduino code.