Kasa Plugs setPollInterval

Hi there, I can't seen to get the setPollInterval setting to stick. Whatever I set it to, it remains the default. When I turn on debugging and review the logs, it seems like the driver isn't taking the value I selected.

dev:15902024-04-03 01:54:16.468 PMdebugMaster Bath Heater : setPollInterval: interval = 30 minutes.
dev:15902024-04-03 01:54:01.713 PMdebugMaster Bath Heater : parseUdp: [system:[get_sysinfo:[active_mode:none, alias:Master Bath Heater, dev_name:Smart Wi-Fi Plug Mini, deviceId:8006DA1F679570999807FB5C6304DBDB1FA984C6, err_code:0, feature:TIM:ENE, hwId:3E2B9A976B98DCFC5C83D11C8CEF7510, hw_ver:1.0, icon_hash:, latitude_i:-1879048193, led_off:0, longitude_i:-1879048193, mac:54:AF:97:0A:31:0D, mic_type:IOT.SMARTPLUGSWITCH, model:KP115(US), next_action:[type:-1], ntc_state:0, obd_src:tplink, oemId:9FDE0C9E37EDF4495F681216FEFB0CFB, on_time:0, relay_state:0, rssi:-38, status:new, sw_ver:1.0.21 Build 231129 Rel.171238, updating:0]]]
dev:15902024-04-03 01:54:01.484 PMdebugMaster Bath Heater : sendLanCmd: [ip:, cmd: {"system":{"get_sysinfo":{}}}]
dev:15902024-04-03 01:54:01.480 PMinfoMaster Bath Heater : updated: [bind:Username/pwd not set., infoLog:true, logEnable:true, pollInterval:30 minutes, emFunction:Continuing EM Function]
dev:15902024-04-03 01:53:56.384 PMinfoMaster Bath Heater : setCommsType: [bind:true, useCloud:false, commsType:LAN]
dev:15902024-04-03 01:53:56.368 PMinfoMaster Bath Heater : setBindUnbind: Bind status set to true
dev:15902024-04-03 01:53:56.362 PMdebugMaster Bath Heater : parseUdp: [cnCloud:[get_info:[binded:1, cld_connection:1, err_code:0, fwDlPage:, fwNotifyType:-1, illegalType:0, server:n-devs.tplinkcloud.com, stopConnect:0, tcspInfo:, tcspStatus:1, username:xxxxx]]]
dev:15902024-04-03 01:53:56.228 PMdebugMaster Bath Heater : sendLanCmd: [ip:, cmd: {"cnCloud":{"get_info":{}}}]

Has anyone else experienced this?

Tested and could not duplicate (bulb, plug, dimmer). Make sure you are selecting the poll interval on the interface and then pressing the command button.


After selecting 1 minute then selecting "setPollInterval" and then refreshing the browser page (you must do this for state variables to update.

As an added check, I ran Save Preferences. Below is the Scheduled Jobs indicating poll interval of scheduled to run no the 52nd second of each minute.


Ok, I'm an idiot :blush:

I wasn't pressing the command button. I was just changing the value and saving preferences.

As usual, you are correct.

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One time out of 1000 for me. Glad to assist.