Kasa KL135 Bulb - Sometimes doesn't work - Warning in logs

Once in awhile this bulb doesn't work and a possible clue is this warning.

Text version: dev:24922024-07-12 05:19:11.099 AMwarnLiving Room Floor Lamp : [method:handleCommsError, count:4, command:{"smartlife.iot.smartbulb.lightingservice":{"transition_light_state":{"ignore_default":1,"on_off":1,"brightness":100,"color_temp":0,"hue":40,"saturation":0,"transition_period":1000}}}, setCommsError:true, status:retriesDisabled, TRY: CONFIGURE, commonERROR:IP Address not static in Router]

I have verified that this bulb has a reserved address in my router. I have a morning routine that actually turns this bulb on and then 3 seconds later turns it on again to try to make it more reliable. This morning it failed for the second time in a week. WAF is falling fast... Any ideas?
