How do I enable the hub to detect physical events of HS200 and also digital events from KASA mobile app?
I'm able to create and run rules which function as expected when the digital events triggered from the Hub itself are detected. Please help.
These devices need to be polled to retrieve their new state, so changes made from outside Hubitat, however they are made, could take up to your polling interval (configured in the integration app on your hub) to be seen.
If there is a way to avoid immediate dependence on these states, that would probably be best. Can you share more information about your use case? Someone can probably give better ideas that way. Or if it's just a matter of curiosity: this should be all that's going on.
The question has been asked before. Did not see @djgutheinz react to @jtp10181 's suggestion for how to achieve this.
My use-case was disabling turning off of a Room Light instance.
Thought it was there. Will update on next revision. Fix will be based on from where the state change is detected. If detected through a Hub Switch capability command, it will be digital. Otherwise, it will be physical. Implication:
a. Hubitat Alexa Skill command: digital
b. Hubitat web or mobile app command: digital
c. Kasa/Tapo Mobile App command: physical
d. Press the on/off button: physical.
Capability will work for all plugs, outlets, switches and bulbs. This means if your unplug a plug and plug it back in it may or may not generate a physical command.
Timing: Likely March. Currently working on a Tapo app to expand device support. Other limit is that the Hubitat Driver Download function is not working. Final, I have to submit to staff for inclusion in a future update.
PS - NOW is the time for any other suggestions for the above (i.e., expanding this function to the Capability Level command). Also, any other suggestions.
thanks for the response. I have these HS200 smart switches controlling the vent fans in the bathrooms. I would like to be able to integrate them with thirdreality temp and humidity sensors and automate the runtime of the vent fans based on the relative humidity values.
Updates submitted to Hubitat staff for inclusion in future version. They are under 2.4.1 Beta right now and I feel they will include shortly.