Kasa Built-In Migration Missing

I am wanting to migrate from the user-created Kasa integration to the built-in app. In the instructions, it says the built-in version has an option at the bottom to migrate my devices, but it's not there. I've looked on both mobile and desktop HSA interfaces, and it's simply not there. Any advice?

Edit: I added a screenshot of the bottom of the app main screen. Not sure exactly where the option is supposed to be, but the instructions say at the bottom.

I don't use the Kasa app, so I can't be much help. Maybe the app author @djgutheinz or someone more familiar can advise...

May be an error; however, it is a dood thing. The migration function was orphaning the devices from the app on the next reboot and this caused problems down the road. The community integration uses the exact same code base. I still maintain the community and provide my code to @gopher.ny for inclusion in the hubitat build.


Thanks so much for the info!

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