Just ordered hub as gift

I placed an order last night for a hub for my dad. Couple things I would like to do but am unsure of.

  1. I want to have a couple basic apps and drivers pre installed.
  2. I want to have it protected and remote admin added.
  3. Can we both be admin or would we just have share account info?

To be clear, I want to do these things before I give it to him.

Would I make a new account for him (which he can change the password to later obviously) and then set it up on my network? I assume it would be easy to then transfer it to his network?

HE is a great gift idea! I'm sure your dad will enjoy it.

Adding basic apps and drivers is easy, but if you're adding devices that require you to build out a good mesh it's probably going to be better in the long run if you add them once the HE is installed at your dad's place. Location of the hub and the various devices, along with home construction and layout, have a big effect on meshed networks.

Here are two links on building solid mesh networks:


Remote admin requires a single admin user. See docs here...
