Just Got An Athom PS01 Human Presence Sensor Delivered And Need A Little Help

I ordered my first mmwave sensor (Athom PS01) about a week ago and it arrived today. I wrote an app to check it out as follows:

    name: "AthomCheckout",
    namespace: "Example",
    author: "Hubi",
    description: "App To Checkout The Athom mmWave PS01 device",
    category: "Convenience",
    iconUrl: "",
    iconX2Url: "")

preferences {
    section("Sensors") {
        input name: "athom", type: "capability.*", title: "athom"
    section("Logging") {
        input name: "logEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable logging?"

def installed() {
    log.debug "installed()"

def updated() {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "updated()"
    subscribe(athom, "motion", Handler)
    subscribe(athom, "distance", Handler)
    subscribe(athom, "mmwave", Handler)
    subscribe(athom, "illuminance", Handler)
    subscribe(athom, "networkStatus", Handler)
    subscribe(athom, "pir", Handler)

def uninstalled() {
    log.debug "uninstalled()"

def Handler(evt) {
    log.debug "***** Entered Handler *****"
    log.debug "evt.class.methods.collect { it.name } = " + evt.class.methods.collect { it.name }
    log.debug "evt = " + evt          
    log.debug "evt.value = " + evt.value   
    log.debug "evt.name = " + evt.name
    log.debug "evt.date = " + evt.date
    log.debug "evt.source = " + evt.source  
    log.debug "evt.data = " + evt.data
    def Data = evt.getData()
    log.debug "evt.getData() = " + Data
    def Source = evt.getSource()
    log.debug "evt.getSource() = " + Source

    log.debug "evt.getTriggeredListeners() =" + evt.getTriggeredListeners()
    log.debug "evt.getArchivable() =" + evt.getArchivable()
    log.debug "evt.getDescriptionText() =" + evt.getDescriptionText()
    log.debug "evt.getDisplayed() =" + evt.getDisplayed()
    log.debug "evt.getIsStateChange() =" + evt.getIsStateChange()
    log.debug "evt.getTranslatable() =" + evt.getTranslatable()
    log.debug "evt.getInstalledAppId() =" + evt.getInstalledAppId()
    log.debug "evt.getJsonData() =" + evt.getJsonData()
    log.debug "evt.getUnixTime() =" + evt.getUnixTime()
    log.debug "evt.getIntegerValue() =" + evt.getIntegerValue()
    log.debug "evt.isArchivable() =" + evt.isArchivable()
    log.debug "evt.isDisplayed() =" + evt.isDisplayed()
    log.debug "evt.isTranslatable() =" + evt.isTranslatable()
    log.debug "evt.getProducedBy() =" + evt.getProducedBy()
    log.debug "evt.toJson() =" + evt.toJson()
    log.debug "evt.getUnit() =" + evt.getUnit()
    log.debug "evt.isPhysical() =" + evt.isPhysical()
    log.debug "evt.isDigital() =" + evt.isDigital()
    log.debug "evt.toUIMap() =" + evt.toUIMap()
    log.debug "evt.getLinkText() =" + evt.getLinkText()
    log.debug "evt.__$swapInit() =" + evt.__$swapInit()
    log.debug "evt.getHubId() =" + evt.getHubId()
    log.debug "evt.getDevice() =" + evt.getDevice()
    log.debug "evt.getDeviceId() =" + evt.getDeviceId()
    log.debug "evt.getLocationId() =" + evt.getLocationId()
    log.debug "evt.getDisplayName() =" + evt.getDisplayName()
    log.debug "evt.getSource() =" + evt.getSource()
    log.debug "evt.getDate() =" + evt.getDate()
    log.debug "evt.getDescription() =" + evt.getDescription()
    log.debug "evt.getDateValue() =" + evt.getDateValue()
    log.debug "evt.getName() =" + evt.getName()
    log.debug "evt.getValue() =" + evt.getValue()
    log.debug "evt.getLocation() =" + evt.getLocation()
    log.debug "evt.getId() =" + evt.getId()
    log.debug "evt.getType() =" + evt.getType()
    log.debug "evt.getData() =" + evt.getData()
    log.debug "evt.getLongValue() =" + evt.getLongValue()
    log.debug "evt.equals() =" + evt.equals()
    log.debug "evt.toString() =" + evt.toString()
    log.debug "evt.hashCode() =" + evt.hashCode()

    log.debug "***** Exited Handler *****"


When I run it an put my hand in front of the device I get:

app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.360 PMdebug***** Exited Handler *****
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.358 PMdebugevt.hashCode() =31816027
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.356 PMdebugevt.toString() =com.hubitat.hub.domain.Event@1e5795b
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.354 PMdebugevt.equals() =false
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.352 PMdebugevt.getLongValue() =15
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.349 PMdebugevt.getData() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.347 PMdebugevt.getType() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.345 PMdebugevt.getId() =490752
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.343 PMdebugevt.getLocation() =HubitatHub
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.341 PMdebugevt.getValue() =15
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.339 PMdebugevt.getName() =illuminance
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.337 PMdebugevt.getDateValue() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.335 PMdebugevt.getDescription() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.333 PMdebugevt.getDate() =Mon Feb 05 20:28:13 CST 2024
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.331 PMdebugevt.getSource() =DEVICE
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.329 PMdebugevt.getDisplayName() =AthomHumanPresenceSensor
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.327 PMdebugevt.getLocationId() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.325 PMdebugevt.getDeviceId() =217
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.322 PMdebugevt.getDevice() =AthomHumanPresenceSensor
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.320 PMdebugevt.getHubId() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.318 PMdebugevt.__null() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.316 PMdebugevt.getLinkText() =AthomHumanPresenceSensor
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.313 PMdebugevt.toUIMap() =[id:490752, source:DEVICE, name:illuminance, displayName:AthomHumanPresenceSensor, value:15, unit:lx, deviceId:217, deviceID:217, hubId:null, locationId:null, installedAppId:null, descriptionText:illuminance was set to 15lx, isStateChange:true, physical:false, digital:false, type:null, date:2024-02-05T20:28:13.156-0600]
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.310 PMdebugevt.isDigital() =false
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.308 PMdebugevt.isPhysical() =false
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.306 PMdebugevt.getUnit() =lx
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.303 PMdebugevt.toJson() ={ "source":"DEVICE","name":"illuminance","displayName" : "AthomHumanPresenceSensor", "value" : "15", "type" : "null", "unit":"lx","deviceId":217,"hubId":0,"installedAppId":0,"descriptionText" : "illuminance was set to 15lx"}
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.300 PMdebugevt.getProducedBy() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.298 PMdebugevt.isTranslatable() =false
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.296 PMdebugevt.isDisplayed() =true
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.294 PMdebugevt.isArchivable() =true
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.292 PMdebugevt.getIntegerValue() =15
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.290 PMdebugevt.getUnixTime() =1707186493156
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.288 PMdebugevt.getJsonData() =[:]
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.285 PMdebugevt.getInstalledAppId() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.283 PMdebugevt.getTranslatable() =false
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.281 PMdebugevt.getIsStateChange() =true
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.278 PMdebugevt.getDisplayed() =true
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.275 PMdebugevt.getDescriptionText() =illuminance was set to 15lx
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.272 PMdebugevt.getArchivable() =true
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.269 PMdebugevt.getTriggeredListeners() =null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.266 PMdebugevt.getSource() = DEVICE
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.262 PMdebugevt.getData() = null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.258 PMdebugevt.data = null
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.255 PMdebugevt.source = DEVICE
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.252 PMdebugevt.date = Mon Feb 05 20:28:13 CST 2024
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.249 PMdebugevt.name = illuminance
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.245 PMdebugevt.value = 15
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.241 PMdebugevt = com.hubitat.hub.domain.Event@1e5795b
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.237 PMdebugevt.class.methods.collect { it.name } = [populateValues, setArchivable, setDescriptionText, setDisplayed, setIsStateChange, setLocationId, getTriggeredListeners, setTriggeredListeners, getDescriptionText, getDisplayed, getIsStateChange, getTranslatable, getInstalledAppId, getJsonData, getUnixTime, setLinkText, getIntegerValue, isArchivable, isDisplayed, isTranslatable, setTranslatable, setInstalledAppId, getProducedBy, setProducedBy, toJson, toJson, getLinkText, getArchivable, setDevice, setUnit, isPhysical, isDigital, toUIMap, getMetaClass, setMetaClass, invokeMethod, getUnit, __$swapInit, setDescription, getHubId, setHubId, getDevice, getDeviceId, getLocationId, setDeviceId, getDisplayName, setSource, getSource, setDate, getDate, setType, getDescription, setDisplayName, getDateValue, getProperty, getName, getValue, getLocation, setProperty, setName, getId, setValue, getType, getNumericValue, setData, setLocation, getData, setId, getNumberValue, getLongValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll]
app:8462024-02-05 08:28:13.187 PMdebug***** Entered Handler *****

I have done this several times and the 5th line from the bottom of the log info does not change from "illuminance". I, of course, expect to get mmwave and other info. What am I doing wrong?

Does the device page register any other events?

Yes but not for my app ??

I have the Athom in a room that is 12 by 12 feet and decided to leave the room and shut the doors for an hour. When I came back I did have several mmwave events, some pir events, and several illuminance events. I have nothing in the room that has motion and wonder why I had several active to inactive mmwave events. I will turn down the sensitivity and distance settings as soon as I find out how to do that and rerun the test. Thanks