Joined the Hubitat USB Stick to my ST HomeID

For clarity, we should also say that you can definitely have more than one hub on a Z wave network. That's always been true. In fact, smartthings is very unusual in not allowing multiple hubs, but that had to do with the cloud component of their platform, not their zwave implementation.

It's just that only one of those hubs can be the "primary controller." Any other hubs would be a "secondary controller."

In Z wave, the difference between a primary controller role and the secondary controller role is highly technical and has to do with how the internal network routing tables are maintained. Most users would never see any difference.

If you're not already familiar with the terms CSC, SIS, and SUC in a network operations context, you probably wouldn't care which of two or three vera hubs on one network had the primary role. It just wouldn't make any difference to what the user sees in everyday activity.

As a network engineer, I did need to know both the terms and their impact on network operations, but most people won't care. :sunglasses:

Finally got to power on my pine64 and used it to add the husbzb1 to my zwave network. Got all 134 nodes reported! Time to plug it into the hubitat now!

I guess at this point you've enjoyed dual/triple Controllers (hubs) for a few and have seen that you can control any of your ZWave devices from either Vera or Hubitat. What you are probably just starting to find is that status changes from "status only" type devices (Door and window sensors, Motion, Temperature, etc.) aren't what you're expecting. Your Vera has a node id of 1 and all of your devices have a pointer back to ID#1. Your Hubitat has a node ID of at least 135 (because you have 134 devices) and none of the existing devices have any update made to their Associations. That's potentially a part of Vera to Vera proprietary, when you add a 2nd Controller.

ZWave supports Shift Primary and Replace, and there's a 'recipe' of how some "demoted" an existing hub, and "promote" a new at the OpenHAB community forum:

You may be far from ready to make that step, but having the hints rattling around might eventually be helpful.

Yes, I am aware of the controller shift. My first zwave actually was set with a GE zwave remote control as primary controller and at the time I had shifted my primary to a vera. The vera has the ability to shift primary from one vera to another as well so at some point, when I will be ready, I will attempt to shift it to hubitat.