Joined the Hubitat USB Stick to my ST HomeID

I took extra steps last week. Like most, I found I do like the Hubitat better than most of my old options. I (finally) got a copy of the Zensys Tools working on my Virtual Windows machine and Transferred Primary to the Hubitat. Then I went and Set SUC and a Set SIS to the Hubitat tooā€¦ topping it all off with several repair networks.

Maybe one of those steps helped with my battery devices?

That make sense. Unfortunately, I have few sensors that donā€™t work with Hubitat yet, and my coding skill is not good enough to adopt ST driverā€¦

Use the driver porting wiki to get started, and then give it a try. Then report any errors you get (keep your log open in a tab on your browser). The staff and other people on this forum are usually quick to give helpful suggestions.

I started over.

Everything was working well. No significant complaints. Oddities, yes, Complaints, no.

With help from Support, I learned how to reset my Hubitat Hub and USB Stick back to factory. My initial motivation was two fold: See what the Hubitat was like from a majority viewpoint and 2) I like the Hubitat so much, Iā€™ve shut off most of my redundant hubsā€¦ and expected to shut down SmartThings! But shutting down the Primary would cause me future problems, so I decided to reset to factory, knowing already that everything I have works, and just concentrate on the migration.

When I first got Hubitat, there was no Hub Link app and that gap influenced me into adding onto my existing ZWave network, rather than run in parallel. In other words, I purchased Hubitat about 2-3 weeks too early for my own good :slight_smile:

I used OZWCP to reset an Aeon Z-Stick (because I was assuming unhappiness and that Iā€™d want to go back.) I unplugged the Hubitat, removed the radio USB stick and put it on a shelf. I reset the Hub back to factory and using the reset Aeon Zstick, started migrating.

I migrated one roomā€™s worth of devices and added the Hub Link app. This is all very familiar to just about everyone on this forum. I found, like most everyone elseā€¦ this gave every impression of working out well :slight_smile:

Shortening the storyā€¦ Iā€™ve migrated everything now (except 6 or so door sensors that I call ā€œmy perimeterā€ to let SmartThings handle notification. (I have Pushover installed but itā€™s not reliableā€¦ yet. )

I like it better and Iā€™m probably not going back (reset hub again, restore backup, insert old USB stick, re-migrate devices back.) I achieved what I wanted the day I purchased Hubitat and can see a clear path to shutting down what I had.

One element that fits AGAIN into the ā€œtoo early for my own goodā€ is the mobile app situation. My family does not need a mobile app. They havenā€™t used one ever, and if they do need one, I feel I have failed in making my house SMART. But I do need one so I can tweek, verify, monitorā€¦ whatever itā€™s calledā€¦

I have a notion to use OZWCP to ā€œduplicateā€ the Aeon Z-Stick onto the Hubitat USB Stick and then use the Aeon in a rebuilt version of OpenRemote to be my mobile UI. Iā€™m really stuck on making this choice. Iā€™m leaning towards using HomeKit as my UI, but the HomeBridge intermediary, works well, but causes me to lose Room assignments far too often.


I know this is off-topic but could you please explain how you reset the hub and the USB stick?
I am having slowdowns and intermittent failures in commands being relayed after the latest update (not sure if this is connected) and I donā€™t think support would respond to me on a Sunday :frowning:

You'd be surprised. Someone is usually around. Are you sure you want to reset your USB stick? That would cause you to lose every device you've paired. One thing for sure, the stick is not the issue if you are experiencing slow-downs. Have you rebooted? Could you be more explicit about "intermittent failures"?

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Not resetting the USB Stick leaves the ZWave pairing (stored on the stick) intact. When you install that stick into a new (or newly reset) Hub, there will be no devices in the Devices Menu. Instead, under Settings:ZWave, youā€™ll find the full list with a Discover button on each.

For the most part, clicking Discover does everything you need, especially for powered (mains) devices. For Battery operated, naturally the device has to be awake and a lot of them showed up, for me, as Devices (the nothing selection.) Iā€™d have to manually set the driver and push config and in several cases, do whatever the device wants to wake it up (one push of the action button, 3 quick pushes, etc. each vendor seems to be unique.) The very rarest cases were battery devices that needed to be re-initialized.

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Yeah, I had other reasons for the reset too.
Like, I had repositioned my hub to a different room recently and that resulted in multiple Zigbee devices falling off (presumably due to some of them depending on routes through certain repeaters that have now been repositioned too).
Some testing with child devices that I had done, ended up creating a lot of junk in the DB, which I wanted to get rid of etc.
So all in all, I was actually wanting to start from a client slate, despite the hassle of repairing stuff.

To elaborate on intermittent failures, I was referring to certain on/off/refresh commands not reflecting on devices, despite showing as executed on the logs.
Further, I also have lights turning randomly turning on even though they areā€™nt part of any automations.
Lastly, automations (which are not all deleted) for turning lights on, on-motion, had been having random delays, where I couldnā€™t see any predictable pattern.

I suspect that many of these issues would be due to the hub reposition and other changes that I did and not due to issues with the new firmware.

@bobbyD provided fantastic support on a Sunday evening and got everything sorted out so that I didnā€™t have to deal with the re-pairing on a weekday :+1:

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Thanks! This was my primary query before the reset.
Glad to know that there is so much flexibility even in the reset procrss and that I donā€™t have to be stuck to a full account reset as most other hubs have implemented.

I resurrected my Aeon Z-Stick + OpenRemote project. I had to ā€œcloneā€ the Z-Stick and manually change the Node ID for every device in OpenRemote, but that didnā€™t take more than a couple of tedious hours. Now I have my old, familiar custom UI for this Hubitat centric Z-Wave network. (Yes, again, two controllers sharing one Z-network.) The sad part is Iā€™m the only one thatā€™s ever used the Mobile App(s). No one else in my family pays any attention to this marvel of home automation. (ok, so itā€™s not much, just a bunch of lights that turn on and off as if by magic. Yours is probably better!! :smiley: )

Watch.. itā€™ll happen again. I put in all that effort to get my custom UI working and the Hubitat staff will release the Mobile App in 2 weeks!

That's what my UI opens to... a set of shortcuts. Clicking Rooms at the bottom yields:

and an individual room would look like:

Dimmers have vertical sliders to the left of on/off switches.

Joining the bandwagon here with a massive network I am considering moving to hubitat... No way I am resetting it for now and I will try to add hubitat as a "second primary" at first to the vera.

I really wish the capability of joining the hubitat to an existing network was built in instead of going through all this song and dance with the stick on a different system to get the software to send a zwave command. Is there a plan to support this directly in the firmware?

I have over 200 devices and have been moving them ssslloooooowwwwlllyyy over from SmartThings to Hubitat but then putting them back into SmartThings via OtheHub... Typing this now makes me question my sanity.

Anywho, each time I move a device or group of devices, I re-write the rules that drove those devices with RM in Hubitat.

I rather have Hubitat on 1st than to be a slave to ST. My entire HA system is becoming more and more stable.

I can't imagine having a big dumb of devices to deal with all at one time.

However, this is interesting.

The advantage of the approach we are looking at here is to be to be able to, like you move devices and automation one at a time like you but without having to unpair and repair as it is all done within the same network...

When I started this thread in February, the total community experience with the Hubitat Hub was much different. I had tried several other Hubs over the years and, while always optimistic, didn't commit totally til it was proven. Nothing prior had taken me to the point of actually switching over. Til Hubitat, I kept adding Hubs, each doing a portion of what I wanted. Naturally, I expected Hubitat to be similar. I was really close to certain that it would replace my aging StaplesConnect which was functioning but the handwriting was on the wall for it's demise.

In a few short weeks I had become convinced that the Hubitat could be a Hub to replace all my other hubs. As a result, I started over. I reset Hubitat back to factory and began my transition as everyone else had done. Yes, I gave myself some flexibility to revert if I had been too ambitious... never needed that.

Therefore, I would not recommend joining your Hubitat to an existing Zwave network because you're likely to a) end up with a Primary that you really want to power down and will find it challenging to make the Hubitat a primary. Or b) you'll try to use SmartThings as a primary, and it doesn't play well with secondaries. Or c) will, like me, decide to start over anyway. (Which is how you "fix" a) and b) :slight_smile: )

I've done all of that so that you don't have to. :smiley:

Start with a factory fresh Hubitat, install Hub Link (and the ST App) and you'll find you're rather similar to a primary/secondary config: Each Hub can command a ZWave device, yet one won't see what the other did.


If one Hub turns on a switch, then wouldn't the other hub have to see this in order to keep the 2 hubs in sync? Wouldn't you want to know who did what and when?

Do we humans want that? Yes!!

Does ST / Hubitat / StaplesConnect / Wink do that?? No.

When you connect a ZWave Controller (Hub) to an existing ZWave network, the current copy of the primary's Table of devices gets copied to the new secondary. That's it!!

If you then add more devices, the primary knows about them, the secondary does NOT, unless the primary is programmed to force an update. ST / Hubitat / StaplesConnect / Wink do not. I've been told that Homeseer and Vera do, but personally, I've never even seen either one in real life.

The Hub (Controller) that sends the command will know, and will display such. The "other controller(s)" will not have "heard" the exchange. It will be ignored. This is very similar to the same problem as getting physical changes back from devices. Some support "hail" or Association or Central Scene, to send status back. Association can be used to inform a Secondary, but again, none of ST / Hubitat / StaplesConnect / Wink set that up.

@JDRoberts always has graciously supplied better worded language for this topic and I have poorly interpreted them before. If I've stepped in it (again) I trust he will redirect. :slight_smile:

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Zwave only allows for one primary per network. You may be able to add another Z wave controller as a secondary, but the results may not be what you expect.

As @csteele mentions above, it's particularly important to understand that the primary and secondary will not stay in sync with each other unless the manufacturer has specifically written software to force that to happen. Vera does, and I believe homeseer does, but most manufacturers, including SmartThings and hubitat do not.

Since @csteele has done a great deal of trial and error work in this area, I will leave any specific comments for people who are actually using the system. I just wanted to mention it because many people get confused about the role of a secondary in a Z wave network.

The concept was developed long before there were mobile apps of any kind, and synchronization was not considered important. The main purpose of the Z wave secondary was just to offload some of the work from the primary, essentially to set up a zone controller with a few specific devices.

Now that everything is more complex, most people expect to have real-time updates for all their devices, but that's not how the standard is written with regard to a secondary controller.

Thanks for your input but I think your information is obsolete base on csteele experience shared here and my own with 2 Veras as well. I have observed having two primary zwave controllers on the same network updating fine without any other binding between the controllers through ethernet and therefore without any software syncing required. For the most part, the status were up to date although I have not tested quite extensively.

Vera is one vendor that is reputed to support a secondary correctly. I've seen reports of people having one Vera in their home and a second out in some outbuilding. Therefore one could extrapolate that a non-Vera secondary would also be supported correctly, since all the commands to do so are ZWave commands. (not ethernet/wifi.)

It would of course depend on the completeness of the ZWave implementation. What we have out on the USB Stick (and an Aeon ZStick, as I'm currently using) might meet that bar.

I don't have a Vera to experiment with, although I do wish I had tried one years ago. I think the Community approach of SmartThings and especially Hubitat is a winning strategy for adding new devices, so I imagine that today, had I a Vera, it would be on my list to shut down.

Vera has built their own software synching into their platform. :sunglasses: That's a proprietary feature and not part of the zwave standard. It's a very nice feature to have, but it's not required and most other zwave controllers don't offer it.

You can review the 2018 official public specifications from the Z wave alliance at the following link. They are up-to-date. If you step through all of the roles processes, you'll see that there can only be one primary controller on the zwave network at any one time, although there may be multiple devices that could be the primary if that role were assigned to them. However, they will be forced into a secondary role when they are added to the network. At that point, it will be possible to shift the primary role if you want to do that and that specific model supports doing so.

You might also check with vera support and let them explain what happens when you add the second vera hub.

You can definitely have two vera hubs on the same network, it's just that only one can be the primary at any one time.