Job for hire

One thing that may be helpful if you could link the videos in a separate thread (and update that thread as you come across them) and what has invalid links. Tag @bertabcd1234 in the messages as he is updating the documentation for Hubitat. I think that would go a long way to cleaning up things.


The links are not issue for me at least. Coming from 20 years of home automation I know to googlr or youtube something first before asking, Once I asked on forums and people sent me links, then pandoras box opened up and I get so many more hits. 30 days in I have now 100 videos to watch when I started I had like 5. Most of my questions I could now find a answer on youtube but initial searches showed very few till I hit links from posters. Now in guessing the aligthrom for youtube has changed. Giving me more content. Today here and now if I type hubitat 100s of videos show up, when I first got it and did same search I had like 5, 1 being hou to unbox it, man take a knife and rip it apart. Plug it in and go from there, but as stated my searches did not show anything until people just added links then wah laaa im flooded with hubitat contant. Not sure why but all in all im expanding, trying to help community. AND IM HAPPY SWITCHING


you I think are the nicest person I ever met on a forum. I tried with a thread called mentor, so I can document each step thats when I got flooded with links and then youtube started to volunteer content. I was like why didnt you show me this before. Needless to say what do you think about my paid support? Nothing that people feel ripped off about but something people like you who have skills maybe teach and get dinner for your time not a corvette. Im guessing you a mod or very early adopter since you respond rather quickly and in a nice fashion. Maybe admin or owner that likes feedback?

I don't think paid support would be a good thing in keeping with HE's ethos. (maybe they have a different though process on it though)

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