Jasco products manual events


I tried habitat a few years ago and there were a lot of things i liked about it. My main issue was i have tons on jasco light switches and most wouldn't register the manual switch event.

Example is i would manually turn off a light but it would still show as "on" in the hubitat dashboard.

This was a huge issue when it came to automations. I can't find much recent information on this so has this been resolved? With smartthings removing webcore I'm looking into other options.

I looked at other topics but nothing seemed current or indicated a resolution on this issue.

This is an issue with zwave devices. They need to be polled. There’s a built-in app called Zwave Poller for this purpose, but using it with a large number of devices will keep your zwave network busy, and decrease performance.

I would recommend replacing outdated devices with modern zwave+ devices. At least 500-series zwave+ switches and dimmers, which have been around for 6-7 years now.

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Its definitely easy said then done. I would love to just replace them but i have so many it would be a costly endeavor. I've always been curious why smartthings never had a issue with this.

Everything ran in the cloud, so only polling was local.

It’ll also be an issue with ST now. Edge drivers will have to poll locally.


If these are older Jasco switches and they are NOT Z-wave+ then there may be a polling issue with your hub that can slow things down. If you are going to switch your switches, I would recommend Zigbee, Lutron Caseta or Z-wave plus switches with no security when enabling them.

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I know what you mean, I had a lot of original Jasco/GE switches when I came over to HE a few years ago.

You may be able to resolve most of your issues w/automations dependent on switch status in a several of ways:

  • Use the "Force" option in Room Lighting (if you're using it) to send commands regardless of what the switch is reporting.
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  • For Rule Machine automations you could try running a "Refresh" on the device at the start of the rule for automations that depend on the switch status. Easy to test - if hitting Refresh on the device page works to get current switch status on the Device page, then a Refresh run from a rule should also update status properly. I think that doing a Refresh is the same as what Polling does, but not 100% sure. Running a Refresh on a switch is done via choosing a Custom Command for your switch in RM. Example below:

You can also try to reduce the number of automations that require current switch status. You may be able to work-around your switch reporting issues by simply relying on other triggers/conditions, including motion, time of day, lux, contact sensors, etc.

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That could be true but I've switched everything i could to not use the groovy device handler in ST and now those devices run "locally". The manual interaction have no issues updating the status of the device on the edge driver.

Its really puzzleing to me that the hubitat environment doesn't have a good fix for this.

You will only notice it as you add a large number of local automations.

It does, the poller app. If you stagger it it should be ok...

Some of your things may be z-wave and not z-wave plus. This may mean some of your switches won't report it's status properly. To address this Hubitat Elevation has a built in app called Z-wave Poller. This will poll the device at set intervals to check it's status. The reason this happened was that Lutron held the patent on pushing status and until that patent expired no one else could use it. So when it expired it became part of Z-Wave plus and all z-wave plus devices report their status'. Another note about z-wave (non plus) is that they are 300 series chips and their max speed is 40kbps while z-wave plus (500/700/800) is 100kbs. So depending on your layout, mains based non plus devices can cause a bottleneck in your mesh though battery ones should not as they are considered edge devices and therefor do not repeat within the mesh


You've been offered several options:

  • Polling app
  • Force commands in RL
  • Refresh status in Rules
  • Modify automations to rely less on switch status where feasible

That's really all there is AFAIK, and if you employ some combincation of these I think you should be fine...as I said when I came over I had a bunch of these older switches and was able to make everything work that I wanted to. Over time I've replaced most of them (have one or two left) and they don't hinder me.

You always have the option to return to ST if that provides a better experience for you on Edge drivers. However, ST is changing w/the moved to Edge so you may find the same issue there as well, w/polling required.

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This becomes an issue when scheduled polling conflicts with some other scheduled event, which increases in likelihood with more automations.


I tried the poll app and refresh but there was to much of a delay.

Example of this was if switched is turned on in home mode set to this % on the dimmer. Same for night mode. The delay was just to much if it updated at all.

I've thought about using both hubitat and ST together but for now i wanted to find out if jasco products would register manual interaction in HE very well.

My comment should have been more im surprised there isnt a fix for this that doesn't require extra steps.

I've switched my ST devices to edge and everything seems to be functioning but i went from 12 perfectly good working pistons in webcore to 50+ routines in ST that seem to work ok but i cant do all of what i had programmed in webcore.

Not to mention they said webcore would stop working as of the 1st but it was updated to say sometime early 2023.

I appreciate all the help. Definitely some good suggestions.

Maybe post a screen shot of your rule and there may be options to optimize...

I tried HE out like 3+ years ago but found out i needed new switches so i ended up returning it.

I don't have access to the rules anymore.

The reason i was think of using both is so i can play with hubitate and see if i can get the switches working correctly before i switch everything. Kind of slowly migrate my system over.

Its also just such a pain to switch hubs.

Take a look at this thread.

Wow I certainly didn't realize you were talking about something you tried several years ago! Missed that implication from your first post.

Things have changed a lot w/the HE hub since then, including several Z-Wave firmware updates and numerous hub firmware/integrated app updates. When I do a Refresh on the device page for my older Z-Wave switch after changing its state from on to off or vice-versa, the status update to current status on the device page is instantaneous - status changes as soon as I hit the Refresh button. There is no noticable lag.

Your desire to keep using WebCore also seems to be a definite push on you to HE since HE now supports WebCore as a built-in app.

Tougher decision if you have important automations that rely on switch status for these older switches. Even w/polling enabled some delays will likely happen, depending on timing of polling and use of the switch. I've never used the polling app so don't have experience/info about it...


I run these switches. I don't have any issue with them these are the Jasco/GE enbrighten. I don't use native drivers, I pulled them out of HPM. A few weeks ago, the switches didn't respond to manual action on the digital. I turned off the circuit for that switch and back on and functioned as normal again.

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