I've Created an Alert Monster

I created a rule to alert occupants when a porch door is left open for more than 1 minute. It is spoken over Sonos speakers. When the door is closed, I want it to say "Thank you for closing the door." It does these things very well. But it says "Thank you for closing the door" every time we close the door, not when it has been left open for 1 minute and shut. Is there a way to tweak my rule so it only does it when it when the door has been left open for 1 minute?

Door open for 1 minute

Repeat while door open every 30 seconds
Notification for door open
End rep
Notification for door closed.

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That'll definitely make someone close the door!!

The way it is written here, it just keeps repeating that the door is open every 30 seconds even though it has been closed.

You want to do "repeat while EXPRESSION" and it will give you the option to repeat while the contact is open.


Use this rule. Basically if the Front door or Backdoor (or both) are left open 5 mins it squawks and repeats every 2 mins. (I don't have tts at the moment but I used to. Just add your sonos speakers to the notification portion). It notifies both our phones so we can yell at the kids to close the door. BUT if we want the door left open, we have a virtual switch (mute switch) that can be activated by a real switch or a widget switch on our phone that will cancel the alert so the door can stay open. Closing the door resets the rule and turns off the mute switch if on. Opening then closing the door makes no announcement as it's unnecessary,

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