It appears that my Alexa app has removed the "All Devices" option when making routines

Not sure when this happened, but I don't like it.

Wow. I can confirm that is missing now as well. Funny, a couple of my devices shared from Hubitat show under "Smart Home" but most do not.

That limits the use of Hubitat virtual devices to trigger an Alexa routines if you can't even select them. This doesn't really affect me as I use Echo Speaks and the RunRoutineID to call Alexa routines to run from Hubitat, but could be an issue for others using virtual devices.

My devices from Hubitat do appear under Smart Home for picking a routine action, they are just not showing my Hubitat devices to be used as a trigger.

I just added virtual motion sensor with switch (in leu of going through all the effort with Echo Speaks) to a routine. Since it was my first time adding any non-echo devices to a routine I just assumed only certain virtual devices could be exposed to routines. I found this thread when looking for info Use a Motion Sensor or Virtual Switch to trigger an Alexa Routine and used the first driver mentioned. I did stumble across another set of drivers in HPM called "Universal Virtual Device Switch uDTH" which says you can integrate almost any device - but since I was able to accomplish what I needed with the first one I just let it be.

I used to use that driver for Alexa triggers. It just gives you many options for sensors that all switch state with the switch. Alexa can see contact sensors, motions sensors, and locks from Hubitat, as well as some switches now, to trigger routines.

Yes, the cookie server setup is a pain, and unless you want to pay a host service you have to setup your own cookie server. I just use a PI now to host the cookie server locally. I was using virtual devices for Alexa while I had Echo Speaks running, until I realized there was a runRoutineID command, and then I switched everything over to having Echo Speaks call my Alexa routines instead.

I made a quick app that acts as a connector, so I can assign any virtual switch to call routine IDs to run based on the switch turning on or off.

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I need to learn how to do this!!

yep - I have been aware of Echo Speaks but never had a need for it... recently added a motion sensor that I wanted to "speak" an alert and assumed it was the defacto solution (hadn't even considered Alexa routines) and I installed it and came to the understanding about Heroku and was searching around the forum, just about to go the RPi route when I found that.

In the past I've used Alexa routines for other (not Hubitat device) announcements and know they're not always reliable but for the simplicity of my novel scenario it will do.

I'm sure for more complex usage Echo Speaks is a godsend.

I use Echo Speaks and Alexa routines all the time. I still pay the $5 a month for Heroku. Losing the ability to use devices is problematic.

Where do I find the routine ID?

You can build text strings in automations, and send them to an Echo device to have custom voice alerts based on data in Hubitat. I also use the Voice Command as Text, which is handy. Anything you can tell Alexa to do, you can send as text from Hubitat, and even build a command string in automations.

Then you can start music, videos, and pretty much anything you can do directly on an Alexa device.

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They are under "Alexa Routine Testing" in the app.

Then in an echo device:

You can also use that command in automations.

Edit: The routines actually need no triggers since they are directly activated, but you have to add one, so I usually give them a trigger of a custom voice command, even if I am not going to use it.

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If anyone is interested, this is my switch connector app to tie a switch to routineIDs

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Very nice. Thanks.

I have some generic zigbee contact sensors {no temp} exposed to alexa so she announces door open. They still work fine however I exposed another of the same type at her yesterday and it would never show up. Had to mirror a virtual contact sensor to the generic zigbee with a rule and put it in the echo skill app,

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I'm not seeing what you're seeing. I have the latest version of the iOS app (maybe Andriod removed it and iOS will soon do the same? :person_shrugging:).

For Alexa routine actions, All Devices is still there. For triggers, I don't recall it ever being there. Alexa routines supports motion sensors, contact sensors, cameras via skill integration, and locks. This is the primary reason for creating a "motion sensor/contact sensor as a switch" driver for Alexa routines.

Yes, but I can no longer use 90% of my Hubitat devices as triggers, as they are just not there to choose anymore. Not that I need to, but I couldn't if I wanted to.

You can, but need an extra device and a rule to make it possible.

What are you responding to? Your response makes no sense for why Hubitat devices are now not available to be used in the Alexa app as triggers, at least on Android.

This is not correct. See this thread - Use a Motion Sensor or Virtual Switch to trigger an Alexa Routine that was linked to above.

What the Alexa app can and cannot do today is not Hubitat's issue, or my concern. I'm suggesting the simple workaround that has worked for many years now. There is no device on Hubitat that cannot be used as a trigger if you use this simple method.

I guess I was using this method all along. I THOUGHT that at one time I could choose any device (under the "all devices" heading) as a trigger. But after reviewing my environment, maybe not.