Issues with Hub Mesh and Unifi switch

So first things first, why isn't there a forum category that is specifically for requesting hub support. If it does exist I can't find it in which case it needs to be more visible.

And now for the main event. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have two hubs connected via hub mesh.
One a C7 and the other a C8. The C8 has the actual devices connected to it and the C7 is running webcore. Both have static IPs and both are on the same network switch.
Both running latest firmware.
Recently I have been having problems where devices aren't correctly functioning via webcore pistons. I initially thought it might be due to database corruption as restoring both hubs made things good again for a day or so. But it just continues to occur most days now. I have swapped out both power supplies and am using amazon ones ( which I would think should be sufficient.
An example of what is occuring.
I have an aeotec home energy monitor v5.
I have a webcore piston that does various things with it but basically the one thing that fails is resetting the meter accumulation each night. It is just a simple button press. If I press the button from the device properties in the app on the C8 it works but it doesn't from either webcore or from the device properties in the app on the C7. It seems to mainly continue reporting other data like power usage as this is displayed in the C7 logs for the device.
If I look at the logs for various devices on the C7 I see regular (every few minutes) occurrences of "Disabled through hub mesh" followed a few seconds later by "Enabled through hub mesh".

Can someone please help as I've about had enough now and am thinking of looking at other smart home vendors.

Thanks in advance.

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I think the Get Help one may be considered that, but ultimately I think the category is not important @BobbyD and others in the Hubitat staff seem to scan most posts, so I would expect any "cry-for-help" would be heard.

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Looks like you found the right place: Get Help isn't that what you are looking for? For all things related strictly to "hub support" there is

For help with community supported projects we have dedicated categories under "Custom Apps and Drivers". Even better, we have a a section only for issues related to webCore, which looks like you are using. Posting in there will get the attention of an army of users familiar with the webCore app and they will be able to direct you to the right person that could help you with a specific problem.

To get started troubleshooting apps and drivers in general, I recommend checking out the following document for some good tips and ideas of the kind of information you may want to provide so that active members and staff could further assist with your issue. And remember that a screenshot is worth more than 1000 words, if you could share more details about your problem, there will be others who may have ran into the same situation, and already found a solution.


It looks like you likely have a Hub Mesh issue. I'd suggest editing your title to make it more likely to be seen. (I'm not a Hub Mesh user.)


Regarding Hub Mesh, I responded to your other thread: Hub Mesh Problem - #8 by bobbyD

I'm not sure if this is causing your issue or even if you have done this already, but I believe in an option became available to rename your hub under settings -> hub details.

If your names are identical on both hubs people have reported issues in certain situations and changing to unique names has solved their problem.
This may be totally unrelated to your issue but it might be worth a go just to see if it helps.
Good luck.


Can you elaborate on why the “get help” category isn’t visible enough? Or the “support” link at the top of each forum page?

Are you asking for a category to request one-on-one support from a staff member?

Something else?


Honestly you folks really don't take any kind of criticism do you. It was just an observation or maybe even a misunderstanding on my part. I thought Help>Devices was for help with devices as in zigbee end devices etc and not the actual hub itself. I thought if the end devices have it's own category why doesn't the hub. Didn't want to offend anyone.

No one is offended. We're all genuinely trying to help.. Do any of the unifi issues apply to you and did you check on what @bobbles mentioned?

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That would be very nice .. may keep the guys buzzy ! LOL
And / Or a section for newbies like me .. to ask stupid questions !
This HB it is more complicated / crazy amazing then I thought it would be!
Having said that the people on this forum are super nice and helpful !

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I've eliminated everything suggested in this post so far.
However, after digging a bit deeper it seems like it's not every device that has this problem which makes it even stranger.
I've tried disabling hub mesh for one of the affected devices and then deleting it at the other end. Rebooted both hubs and tried to add it back but when I click on the add device link it asks whether I want to add the device to which I obviously answer yes. Then the page looks like it reloads and the device has not been added and remains in the list of available devices to add.
If I do a manual backup do I remember correctly that the backup cleans the database and removes any corruption?
If that is the case maybe I should do a backup and restore of each hub with the test device omitted from the hub mesh.

Don't forget to turn on multicast DNS in your UnIfi network. I recall having issues with hub mesh without this on.

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I only have a couple of unifi switches, no router etc. Is multicast DNS still an option in this setup and if so where would I find that particular setting,?

No stupid questions, only stupid answers (:cough: @rlithgow1 :cough:).

But in addition to Get Help, there’s also Get Started, Ask Anything and Feedback as examples of categories that should be particularly helpful to newbies.



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Schitts Creek Pain GIF by CBC

So found multicast DNS in unifi settings and turned it on just in case.
I also did a backup/restore of both hubs but still can't add the aeotec energy monitor back to hub mesh.
I can add other devices to the mesh just not the energy monitor. What would stop a device being added to the mesh?

Such section already exists: Novice Help - Hubitat


LoL - See such a newbie I needed help with that!


That's odd, what device is this and what driver does it use?

It is the aeotec energy monitor v5. I use this driver.

However I think my C8 has major issues.
I have excluded the device and reset it to factory defaults then tried to re-add but it won't add. I have repeated the exercise with a z-wave range extender and whilst it excludes straight away it will not add back.
Both devices seem to think they've been added as the lights stop flashing but nothing happens on the hub. I've also had the z-wave logs page open in another browser tab whilst I try to add the devices and this displays absolutely nothing, no entries at all.

I have the backup subscription so how can I get this hub swapped out if it's faulty, I'm in the UK?