I’m able to turn my LG TV on and off from the device’s settings page in the Hubitat user interface.
Interesting. I used a WOL app on my phone that I use for my PC's, and it woke the TV up and turned it on.
So I suppose I could add WOL to Hubitat, but I'd much rather just have the TV device work properly.
In either case, how do I use my LG TV device in automations? I want to push a button and have the TV turn on and go to a specific input, depending on the button pushed. But I couldn't figure out how to do it.
I have 2 2023 LG C3 TVs and would like to set this up. I used HPM to load Syepes discovery. It does find the TVs but when i look at the device and try initialize, nothing seems to happen. I seem to be missing a step. TV on with WIFI and BT are both set to on.
Never seems to get pairing key. is there a way to force or find the key?
Thanks for help!
You can use the Button Controller app to turn a TV on and set the input. “On” is a switch action, and setting the input can be done under “custom actions.”
However, I’d suggest first trying to get the TV to function as intended directly from its Hubitat device page.
How did you add the device driver? Was it one of the updated versions posted earlier in this thread?
If you read above in this thread, you’ll see it no longer works without making an update to the driver code manually. With the update to enable secure websockets, it should still function.
Thanks that did fix it.
I did copy the first one back in the list and it had some errors. I went a couple back from that and no errors.
It is working now!!
I went to Driver code, clicked New driver, and pasted the code from earlier in this thread. I don't remember which version I copied, though. The error with the additional parenthesis was throwing me off for a bit. Maybe I'll try updating the code.
I looked at the button controller rules, and I'm confused. Is setting the input an HTTP request? When I choose custom action, run custom action, it just gives me a big long list of stuff that I don't know how to relate to the TV device.
I tried to add a picture to this, but it gives me an error...
Looking at the live logs, this is what shows when I click the On button in the device page:
dev:33 2024-03-13 09:45:26.620 PMinfoLiving Room TV powerEvent() - is off [physical]
dev:33 2024-03-13 09:45:26.618 PMinfoLiving Room TV webSocketStatus() - WebSocket is closed
dev:33 2024-03-13 09:45:23.547 PMinfoLiving Room TV initialize() - Connecting secure websocket to: wss://
dev:33 2024-03-13 09:45:23.545 PMerrorLiving Room TV getMouseChild() - Failed to get mouse dev: com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException: Device type 'LG WebOS Mouse' in namespace 'syepes' not found
dev:33 2024-03-13 09:45:10.364 PMinfoLiving Room TV on() - Sending Magic Packet to: 48:8D:36:F2:B1:05
dev:33 2024-03-13 09:45:10.351 PMinfoLiving Room TV powerEvent() - is on [digital]
Is there a way to manually add the Mac and IP instead of doing the discovery? I only ask because my habitat and my TV are not on the same vlan.
@mo.hesham When I paste your code I get this error
expecting '}', found ')' @ line 331, column 87.
same, cant figure it out...
same, @mo.hesham can you take a look please?
@mluck @Gdust are you sure you're using the latest version of code I pasted: here it is again
* LG Smart TV Device Type
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Original Author: Sam Lalor
* Ported to Hubitat by: Mike Magrann, 3/27/2019
* Modified to support WebOS SSAP protocol: Cybrmage, 7/18/2019
* portions of the websocket code modified from the Logitech Harmony plugin by Dan G Ogorchock
***See Release Notes at the bottom***
public static String version() { return "v0.2.5" }
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
metadata {
definition (name: "LG Smart TV", namespace: "ekim", author: "Sam Lalor")
capability "Initialize"
capability "TV"
capability "AudioVolume"
capability "Music Player"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Switch"
capability "Notification"
command "on"
command "off"
command "refresh"
command "externalInput"
command "back"
command "up"
command "down"
command "left"
command "right"
command "myApps"
command "ok"
command "home"
// command "wake"
attribute "CurrentInput", "string"
attribute "sessionId", "string"
// attribute "mute", "string"
attribute "channelDesc", "string"
attribute "channelName", "string"
attribute "channelData", "string"
preferences {
input name: "televisionIp", type: "text", title: "Television IP Address", defaultValue: "", required: true
input name: "televisionMac", type: "text", title: "Television MAC Address", defaultValue: "", required: true
input name: "televisionType", type: "text", title: "Television Type (NETCAST or WEBOS)", defaultValue: "", required: true
input name: "pairingKey", type: "text", title: "Pairing Key", required: true, defaultValue: ""
input ("debug", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: false)
input ("descriptionText", "bool", title: "Enable description text logging", defaultValue: true)
input ("channelDetail", "bool", title: "Enable verbose channel data (WebOS Only)", defaultValue: false)
def reconnectRate = [:]
reconnectRate << ["5" : "Retry every 5 seconds"]
reconnectRate << ["10" : "Retry every 10 seconds"]
reconnectRate << ["15" : "Retry every 15 seconds"]
reconnectRate << ["30" : "Retry every 30 seconds"]
reconnectRate << ["45" : "Retry every 45 seconds"]
reconnectRate << ["60" : "Retry every minute"]
reconnectRate << ["120" : "Retry every minute"]
reconnectRate << ["300" : "Retry every 5 minutes"]
reconnectRate << ["600" : "Retry every 10 minutes"]
input ("retryDelay", "enum", title: "Device Reconnect delay (WebOS Only)", options: reconnectRate, defaultValue: 60)
def log_warn(logMsg) {
def log_error(logMsg) {
def log_debug(logMsg) {
if ((debug == true) || (descriptionText == true)) { log.debug(logMsg) }
def log_info(logMsg) {
if (descriptionText == true) { log.info(logMsg) }
def installed()
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - installed - ip: ${televisionIp} mac: ${televisionMac} type: ${televisionType} key: ${pairingKey} debug: ${debug} logText: ${descriptionText}")
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - installed - settings: " + settings.inspect())
// initialize()
def webosRegister() {
// prove we are registered
state.pairFailCount = 0
state.registerPending = true
// def msg = '{"type":"register","id":"register_0","payload":{"forcePairing":false,"pairingType":"PIN","client-key":"' + pairingKey + '","manifest":{"manifestVersion":1,"appVersion":"1.1","signed":{"created":"20140509","appId":"com.lge.test","vendorId":"com.lge","localizedAppNames":{"":"LG Remote App","ko-KR":"??? ?","zxx-XX":"?? R??ot? A??"},"localizedVendorNames":{"":"LG Electronics"},"permissions":["TEST_SECURE","CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT","CONTROL_MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD","READ_INSTALLED_APPS","READ_LGE_SDX","READ_NOTIFICATIONS","SEARCH","WRITE_SETTINGS","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_ALERT","CONTROL_POWER","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_UPDATE_INFO","UPDATE_FROM_REMOTE_APP","READ_LGE_TV_INPUT_EVENTS","READ_TV_CURRENT_TIME"],"serial":"2f930e2d2cfe083771f68e4fe7bb07"},"permissions":["LAUNCH","LAUNCH_WEBAPP","APP_TO_APP","CLOSE","TEST_OPEN","TEST_PROTECTED","CONTROL_AUDIO","CONTROL_DISPLAY","CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK","CONTROL_INPUT_TV","CONTROL_POWER","READ_APP_STATUS","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST","READ_NETWORK_STATE","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST","READ_POWER_STATE","READ_COUNTRY_INFO"],"signatures":[{"signatureVersion":1,"signature":"eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJSU0EtU0hBMjU2Iiwia2V5SWQiOiJ0ZXN0LXNpZ25pbmctY2VydCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb24iOjF9.hrVRgjCwXVvE2OOSpDZ58hR+59aFNwYDyjQgKk3auukd7pcegmE2CzPCa0bJ0ZsRAcKkCTJrWo5iDzNhMBWRyaMOv5zWSrthlf7G128qvIlpMT0YNY+n/FaOHE73uLrS/g7swl3/qH/BGFG2Hu4RlL48eb3lLKqTt2xKHdCs6Cd4RMfJPYnzgvI4BNrFUKsjkcu+WD4OO2A27Pq1n50cMchmcaXadJhGrOqH5YmHdOCj5NSHzJYrsW0HPlpuAx/ECMeIZYDh6RMqaFM2DXzdKX9NmmyqzJ3o/0lkk/N97gfVRLW5hA29yeAwaCViZNCP8iC9aO0q9fQojoa7NQnAtw=="}]}}}'
def msg = '{"type":"register","id":"register_0","payload":{"forcePairing":false,"pairingType":"PROMPT","client-key":"' + pairingKey + '","manifest":{"manifestVersion":1,"appVersion":"1.1","signed":{"created":"20140509","appId":"com.lge.test","vendorId":"com.lge","localizedAppNames":{"":"LG Remote App","ko-KR":"??? ?","zxx-XX":"?? R??ot? A??"},"localizedVendorNames":{"":"LG Electronics"},"permissions":["TEST_SECURE","CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT","CONTROL_MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD","READ_INSTALLED_APPS","READ_LGE_SDX","READ_NOTIFICATIONS","SEARCH","WRITE_SETTINGS","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_ALERT","CONTROL_POWER","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_UPDATE_INFO","UPDATE_FROM_REMOTE_APP","READ_LGE_TV_INPUT_EVENTS","READ_TV_CURRENT_TIME"],"serial":"2f930e2d2cfe083771f68e4fe7bb07"},"permissions":["LAUNCH","LAUNCH_WEBAPP","APP_TO_APP","CLOSE","TEST_OPEN","TEST_PROTECTED","CONTROL_AUDIO","CONTROL_DISPLAY","CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK","CONTROL_INPUT_TV","CONTROL_POWER","READ_APP_STATUS","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST","READ_NETWORK_STATE","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST","READ_POWER_STATE","READ_COUNTRY_INFO"],"signatures":[{"signatureVersion":1,"signature":"eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJSU0EtU0hBMjU2Iiwia2V5SWQiOiJ0ZXN0LXNpZ25pbmctY2VydCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb24iOjF9.hrVRgjCwXVvE2OOSpDZ58hR+59aFNwYDyjQgKk3auukd7pcegmE2CzPCa0bJ0ZsRAcKkCTJrWo5iDzNhMBWRyaMOv5zWSrthlf7G128qvIlpMT0YNY+n/FaOHE73uLrS/g7swl3/qH/BGFG2Hu4RlL48eb3lLKqTt2xKHdCs6Cd4RMfJPYnzgvI4BNrFUKsjkcu+WD4OO2A27Pq1n50cMchmcaXadJhGrOqH5YmHdOCj5NSHzJYrsW0HPlpuAx/ECMeIZYDh6RMqaFM2DXzdKX9NmmyqzJ3o/0lkk/N97gfVRLW5hA29yeAwaCViZNCP8iC9aO0q9fQojoa7NQnAtw=="}]}}}'
log_debug("webosRegister: sending Auth request: ${msg}")
def webosStartPairing() {
state.pairFailCount = 0
state.registerPending = true
// def registerCMD = '{"type":"register","id":"register_0","payload":{"forcePairing":true,"pairingType":"PIN","client-key":"","manifest":{"manifestVersion":1,"appVersion":"1.1","signed":{"created":"20140509","appId":"com.lge.test","vendorId":"com.lge","localizedAppNames":{"":"LG Remote App","ko-KR":"??? ?","zxx-XX":"?? R??ot? A??"},"localizedVendorNames":{"":"LG Electronics"},"permissions":["TEST_SECURE","CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT","CONTROL_MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD","READ_INSTALLED_APPS","READ_LGE_SDX","READ_NOTIFICATIONS","SEARCH","WRITE_SETTINGS","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_ALERT","CONTROL_POWER","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_UPDATE_INFO","UPDATE_FROM_REMOTE_APP","READ_LGE_TV_INPUT_EVENTS","READ_TV_CURRENT_TIME"],"serial":"2f930e2d2cfe083771f68e4fe7bb07"},"permissions":["LAUNCH","LAUNCH_WEBAPP","APP_TO_APP","CLOSE","TEST_OPEN","TEST_PROTECTED","CONTROL_AUDIO","CONTROL_DISPLAY","CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK","CONTROL_INPUT_TV","CONTROL_POWER","READ_APP_STATUS","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST","READ_NETWORK_STATE","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST","READ_POWER_STATE","READ_COUNTRY_INFO"],"signatures":[{"signatureVersion":1,"signature":"eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJSU0EtU0hBMjU2Iiwia2V5SWQiOiJ0ZXN0LXNpZ25pbmctY2VydCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb24iOjF9.hrVRgjCwXVvE2OOSpDZ58hR+59aFNwYDyjQgKk3auukd7pcegmE2CzPCa0bJ0ZsRAcKkCTJrWo5iDzNhMBWRyaMOv5zWSrthlf7G128qvIlpMT0YNY+n/FaOHE73uLrS/g7swl3/qH/BGFG2Hu4RlL48eb3lLKqTt2xKHdCs6Cd4RMfJPYnzgvI4BNrFUKsjkcu+WD4OO2A27Pq1n50cMchmcaXadJhGrOqH5YmHdOCj5NSHzJYrsW0HPlpuAx/ECMeIZYDh6RMqaFM2DXzdKX9NmmyqzJ3o/0lkk/N97gfVRLW5hA29yeAwaCViZNCP8iC9aO0q9fQojoa7NQnAtw=="}]}}}'
def registerCMD = '{"type":"register","id":"register_0","payload":{"forcePairing":true,"pairingType":"PROMPT","client-key":"","manifest":{"manifestVersion":1,"appVersion":"1.1","signed":{"created":"20140509","appId":"com.lge.test","vendorId":"com.lge","localizedAppNames":{"":"LG Remote App","ko-KR":"??? ?","zxx-XX":"?? R??ot? A??"},"localizedVendorNames":{"":"LG Electronics"},"permissions":["TEST_SECURE","CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT","CONTROL_MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD","READ_INSTALLED_APPS","READ_LGE_SDX","READ_NOTIFICATIONS","SEARCH","WRITE_SETTINGS","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_ALERT","CONTROL_POWER","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_UPDATE_INFO","UPDATE_FROM_REMOTE_APP","READ_LGE_TV_INPUT_EVENTS","READ_TV_CURRENT_TIME"],"serial":"2f930e2d2cfe083771f68e4fe7bb07"},"permissions":["LAUNCH","LAUNCH_WEBAPP","APP_TO_APP","CLOSE","TEST_OPEN","TEST_PROTECTED","CONTROL_AUDIO","CONTROL_DISPLAY","CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK","CONTROL_INPUT_TV","CONTROL_POWER","READ_APP_STATUS","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST","READ_NETWORK_STATE","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST","READ_POWER_STATE","READ_COUNTRY_INFO"],"signatures":[{"signatureVersion":1,"signature":"eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJSU0EtU0hBMjU2Iiwia2V5SWQiOiJ0ZXN0LXNpZ25pbmctY2VydCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb24iOjF9.hrVRgjCwXVvE2OOSpDZ58hR+59aFNwYDyjQgKk3auukd7pcegmE2CzPCa0bJ0ZsRAcKkCTJrWo5iDzNhMBWRyaMOv5zWSrthlf7G128qvIlpMT0YNY+n/FaOHE73uLrS/g7swl3/qH/BGFG2Hu4RlL48eb3lLKqTt2xKHdCs6Cd4RMfJPYnzgvI4BNrFUKsjkcu+WD4OO2A27Pq1n50cMchmcaXadJhGrOqH5YmHdOCj5NSHzJYrsW0HPlpuAx/ECMeIZYDh6RMqaFM2DXzdKX9NmmyqzJ3o/0lkk/N97gfVRLW5hA29yeAwaCViZNCP8iC9aO0q9fQojoa7NQnAtw=="}]}}}'
log_debug("webosStartPairing: requesting Authorization")
def setPower(boolean newState) {
state.power = newState
log_debug("setPower: setting state.power = " + (newState ? "ON":"OFF"))
def sendPowerEvent(boolean newState) {
state.lastPower = state.power
state.power = newState
log.debug("sendPowerEvent: sending state.power = " + (newState ? "ON":"OFF") + ((state.lastPower == state.power)?" event":" state change event"))
sendEvent(name: "power", value: (newState?"on":"off"), displayed:false, isStateChange: ((state.lastPower == state.power)?false:true))
sendEvent(name: "switch", value: (newState?"on":"off"), displayed:false, isStateChange: ((state.lastPower == state.power)?false:true))
def setPaired(boolean newState) {
state.paired = newState
log_debug("setPaired: setting state.paired = " + (newState ? "TRUE":"FALSE"))
def initialize()
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - initialize - ip: ${televisionIp} mac: ${televisionMac} type: ${televisionType} key: ${pairingKey} debug: ${debug} logText: ${descriptionText}")
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - initialize - settings:" + settings.inspect())
state.sequenceNumber = 1
state.currentInput = ""
state.lastInput = ""
state.channel = ""
state.lastChannel = ""
state.channelDesc = ""
state.lastChannelDesc = ""
state.channelName = ""
state.channelData = ""
sendEvent(name: "channelDesc", value: "", isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channel", value: "", isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channelName", value: "", isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channelData", value: "", isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "CurrentInput", value: "", isStateChange: true)
state.pairFailCount = 0
state.reconnectPending = false
state.webSocket = "initialize"
if (televisionType == "WEBOS") {
if (state.webSocket == "open") {
try {
log_debug("Connecting secure websocket to: \"wss://${televisionIp}:3001/\"")
interfaces.webSocket.connect("wss://${televisionIp}:3001/", ignoreSSLIssues: true)
catch(e) {
//if (logEnable) log.debug "initialize error: ${e.message}"
log_warn "initialize error: ${e.message}"
log.error "WebSocket connect failed"
// if ((pairingKey == null) || (pairingKey == "")) {
// webosStartPairing()
// } else {
// state.paired = true
// webosRegister()
// }
def updated()
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - updated - ip: ${televisionIp} mac: ${televisionMac} type: ${televisionType} key: ${pairingKey} debug: ${debug} logText: ${descriptionText} state: "+state.inspect())
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - updated - ip: ${settings.televisionIp} mac: ${settings.televisionMac} type: ${settings.televisionType} key: ${settings.pairingKey} debug: ${settings.debug} logText: ${settings.descriptionText} state: "+state.inspect())
def setParameters(String IP, String MAC, String TVTYPE, String KEY) {
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - setParameters - ip: ${IP} mac: ${MAC} type: ${TVTYPE} key: ${KEY}")
state.televisionIp = IP
settings.televisionIp = IP
device.updateSetting("televisionIp",[type:"text", value:IP])
state.televisionMac = MAC
settings.televisionMac = MAC
device.updateSetting("televisionMac",[type:"text", value:MAC])
state.televisionType = TVTYPE
settings.televisionType = TVTYPE
device.updateSetting("televisionType",[type:"text", value:TVTYPE])
if (TVTYPE == "NETCAST") {
state.pairingKey = KEY
settings.pairingKey = KEY
device.updateSetting("pairingKey",[type:"text", value:KEY])
log_debug("LG Smart TV Driver - Parameters SET- ip: ${televisionIp} mac: ${televisionMac} type: ${televisionType} key: ${pairingKey}")
// parse events into attributes
def parse(String description)
// parse method is shared between HTTP and Websocket implementations
log_debug "Parsing '${description}'"
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
if (description == "updated")
sendEvent(name:'refresh', displayed:false)
} else {
// parse the websocket response
def parseWebsocketResult(String description){
def json = null
json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(description)
if(json == null){
log_warn("parseWebsocketResult: String description not parsed")
log_info("json = ${json}" )
} catch(e) {
log.error("parseWebsocketResult: Failed to parse json e = ${e}")
if (json?.type == "registered") {
if (json?.id == "register_0") {
// this is a response to our pairing request - we are registered
if (!(json?.payload["client-key"] == null)){
pKey = json.payload["client-key"]
log_warn("parseWebsocketResult: received registered client-key: ${pKey}")
state.pairingKey = pKey
settings.pairingKey = pKey
device.updateSetting("pairingKey",[type:"text", value:"${pKey}"])
pairingKey = pKey
log_warn("parseWebsocketResult: set registered client-key: ${pairingKey}")
state.registerPending = false
// start running the poll routine for ongoning status updates
log_info("parseWebsocketResult: requesting HELLO packet")
log_info("parseWebsocketResult: requesting SystemInfo packet")
// log_warn("parseWebsocketResult: requesting CurrentSWInformation packet")
// sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"status_%d","uri":"ssap://com.webos.service.update/getCurrentSWInformation"}')
if (json?.type == "response") {
if (json?.id == "register_0") {
// this is a response to our pairing request - we are waiting for user authorization at the TV
if (!(json?.payload["client-key"] == null)){
pKey = json.payload["client-key"]
log_warn("parseWebsocketResult: received response client-key: ${pKey}")
state.pairingKey = pKey
settings.pairingKey = pKey
pairingKey = pKey
device.updateSetting("pairingKey",[type:"text", value:"${pKey}"])
log_warn("parseWebsocketResult: set response client-key: ${pairingKey}")
state.registerPending = false
if (json?.id.startsWith("command_")) {
if (json?.payload?.returnValue == true) {
//we received an afirmative response
if (json?.id.startsWith("status_")) {
def rResp = false
if ((state.power == false) && !(json?.payload?.subscribed == true)) {
// when TV has indicated power off, do not process status messages unless they are subscriptions
log_warn("ignoring unsubscribed status updated during power off...")
} else {
if (json?.payload?.channel) {
state.lastChannelDesc = state.channelDesc
state.channel = json?.payload?.channel?.channelNumber
state.channelDesc = json?.payload?.channel?.channelNumber + " ("+ json?.payload?.channel?.majorNumber + "." + json?.payload?.channel?.minorNumber + "): " + json?.payload?.channel?.channelName
def cChange = ((state.lastChannelDesc == state.channelDesc)?false:true)
def cData = json?.payload?.channel
cData << [channelDesc: state.channelDesc]
if (!channelDetail) {
cData = [
channelDesc: state.channelDesc,
channelMode: json?.payload?.channel?.channelMode,
channelNumber: json?.payload?.channel?.channelNumber,
majorNumber: json?.payload?.channel?.majorNumber,
minorNumber: json?.payload?.channel?.minorNumber,
channelName: json?.payload?.channel?.channelName,
sendEvent(name: "channelDesc", value: state.channelDesc, displayed:false, isStateChange: cChange)
sendEvent(name: "channel", value: state.channel, displayed:false, isStateChange: cChange)
sendEvent(name: "channelName", value: json?.payload?.channel?.channelName, displayed:false, isStateChange: cChange)
sendEvent(name: "channelData", value: cData, displayed:false, isStateChange: cChange)
log_info("state.channelDesc = ${state.channelDesc}")
rResp = true
if (json?.payload?.returnValue == true) {
if (json?.payload?.volume) {
state.lastVolume = state.Volume
state.Volume = json?.payload?.volume
sendEvent(name: "volume", value: state.Volume, displayed:false, isStateChange: ((state.lastVolume == state.Volume)?false:true))
log_info("state.Volume = ${state.Volume}")
rResp = true
if (json?.payload?.mute != null) {
state.lastMute = state.Mute
state.Mute = json?.payload?.mute
sendEvent(name: "mute", value: state.Mute, displayed:false, isStateChange: ((state.lastMute == state.Mute)?false:true))
log_info("state.Mute = ${state.Mute}")
rResp = true
if (json?.payload?.modelName) {
state.ModelName = json?.payload?.modelName
log_info("state.ModelName = ${state.ModelName}")
rResp = true
if (json?.payload?.appId) {
state.lastInput = state.CurrentInput
state.CurrentInput = json?.payload?.appId
log.info("state.CurrentInput = ${state.CurrentInput}")
sendEvent(name: "CurrentInput", value: state.CurrentInput, displayed:false, isStateChange: ((state.lastInput == state.CurrentInput)?false:true))
if (!(state.lastInput == state.CurrentInput) && (state.CurrentInput == "com.webos.app.livetv")) {
if ((state.lastInput == "com.webos.app.livetv") && !(state.CurrentInput == "com.webos.app.livetv")) {
state.channel = ""
state.lastChannel = ""
state.channelDesc = ""
state.lastChannelDesc = ""
state.channelName = ""
state.channelData = ""
sendEvent(name: "channelDesc", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channel", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channelName", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channelData", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
rResp = true
if (rResp == true) {
// The last (valid) message sent by the TV when powering off is a subscription response for foreground app status with appId, windowId and processID all NULL
if (json?.payload?.subscribed) {
log.debug("appID: " + (description.contains("appId")?"T":"F") + " windowId: " + (description.contains("windowId")?"T":"F") + " processId: " + (description.contains("processId")?"T":"F"))
if (description.contains("appId") && description.contains("windowId") && description.contains("processId")) {
if ((json?.payload?.appId == null) || (json?.payload?.appId == "")) {
// The TV is powering off - change the power state, but leave the websocket to time out
state.CurrentInput = ""
state.lastInput = ""
state.channel = ""
state.lastChannel = ""
state.channelDesc = ""
state.lastChannelDesc = ""
state.channelName = ""
state.channelData = ""
sendEvent(name: "channelDesc", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channel", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channelName", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "channelData", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
sendEvent(name: "CurrentInput", value: "", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
log.warn("Received POWER DOWN notification.")
if (json?.type == "hello") {
if (json?.payload?.protocolVersion) {
if (json?.payload?.deviceOS) {
state.deviceOS = json?.payload?.deviceOS
if (json?.payload?.deviceOSVersion) {
state.deviceOSVersion = json?.payload?.deviceOSVersion
if (json?.payload?.deviceOSReleaseVersion) {
state.deviceOSReleaseVersion = json?.payload?.deviceOSReleaseVersion
if (json?.payload?.deviceUUID) {
state.deviceUUID = json?.payload?.deviceUUID
if (json?.type == "error") {
if (json?.id == "register_0") {
if (json?.error.take(3) == "403") {
// 403 error cancels the pairing process
pairingKey = ""
state.pairFailCount = state.pairFailCount ? state.pairFailCount + 1 : 1
log_info("parseWebsocketResult: received register_0 error: ${json.error} fail count: ${state.pairFailCount}")
if (state.pairFailCount < 6) { webosStartPairing() }
} else {
if (json?.error.take(3) == "401") {
log_info("parseWebsocketResult: received error: ${json.error}")
if (state.registerPending == false) { webosStartPairing() }
def webSocketStatus(String status){
//if (logEnable) log.debug "webSocketStatus- ${status}"
log_debug ("webSocketStatus: State: [${state.webSocket}] Reported Status: [${status}]")
if(status.startsWith('failure: ')) {
log_warn("failure message from web socket ${status}")
if (state.power == false) { state.reconnectDelay = 30 }
if ((status == "failure: No route to host (Host unreachable)") || (status == "failure: connect timed out") || status.startsWith("failure: Failed to connect") || status.startsWith("failure: sent ping but didn't receive pong")) {
log_warn("failure: No route/connect timeout/no pong for websocket protocol")
// if (state.power) {
// sendEvent(name: "power", value: "off", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
// sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
// }
// state.power = false
//retry every 60 seconds
state.reconnectDelay = 30
state.webSocket = "closed"
else if(status == 'status: open') {
log_info("websocket is open")
// success! reset reconnect delay
state.reconnectDelay = 1
state.webSocket = "open"
if ((pairingKey == null) || (pairingKey == "")) {
} else {
else if (status == "status: closing"){
log_warn("WebSocket connection closing.")
if (state.webSocket == 'initialize') {
log_warn("Ignoring WebSocket close due to initialization.")
} else {
if (state.power == true) {
// TV should be on and reachable - try to reconnect
} else {
// We explicitly turned off the TV - reduce the reconnect time and try to reconnect every 60 seconds
state.reconnectDelay = 30
state.webSocket = "closed"
else {
log_error "WebSocket error, reconnecting."
// if (state.power == true) {
// sendEvent(name: "power", value: "off", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
// sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
// }
// state.power = false
state.webSocket = "closed"
def reconnectWebSocket() {
// first delay is 2 seconds, doubles every time
if (state.reconnectPending == true) {
log_debug("Rejecting additional reconnect request")
state.reconnectDelay = (retryDelay ?: 60) as int
// state.reconnectDelay = (state.reconnectDelay ?: 1) * 2
// don't let delay get too crazy, max it out at 10 minutes
if(state.reconnectDelay > 600) state.reconnectDelay = 600
log_info("websocket reconnect - delay = ${state.reconnectDelay}")
//If the TV is offline, give it some time before trying to reconnect
state.reconnectPending = true
log_warn("Scheduling reconnect in ${state.reconnectDelay} seconds")
runIn(state.reconnectDelay, initialize)
def webosSubscribeToStatus() {
if (state.paired) {
// schedule a poll every 10 minutes to help keep the websocket open
def webosPollStatus() {
if (!state.registerPending) {
log_debug("webosPollStatus - paired = "+(state.paired?"TRUE":"FALSE")+" currentInput = "+state.CurrentInput)
if (state.paired) {
// send webos commands to poll the TV status
log_debug("webosPollStatus: requesting device status...")
if (state.CurrentInput == "com.webos.app.livetv") {
} else {
log_debug("webosPollStatus: Nothing to do...")
def deviceNotification(String notifyMessage) {
if (televisionType == "WEBOS") {
if (state.paired) {
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://system.notifications/createToast","payload":{"message":"'+notifyMessage+'"}}')
def on()
log_debug "Executing 'Power On'"
// sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
// sendEvent(name: "power", value: "on", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
return wake()
def off()
log_debug "Executing 'Power Off'"
// sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
// sendEvent(name: "power", value: "off", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(1)
} else {
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://system/turnOff"}')
def channelUp()
log_debug "Executing 'channelUp'"
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(27)
} else {
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://tv/channelUp"}')
def channelDown()
log_debug "Executing 'channelDown'"
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(28)
} else {
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://tv/channelDown"}')
// handle commands
def volumeUp()
log_debug "Executing 'volumeUp'"
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(24)
} else {
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://audio/volumeUp"}')
def volumeDown()
log_debug "Executing 'volumeDown'"
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(25)
} else {
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://audio/volumeDown"}')
def setVolume(level) {
log_debug "Executing 'setVolume' with level '${level}'"
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
//return sendCommand(25)
} else {
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://audio/setVolume","payload":{"volume":'+level+'}}')
def setLevel(level) { setVolume(level) }
def refresh()
log_debug "Executing 'refresh'"
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sessionIdCommand()
} else {
log_info("refresh: refreshing System Info")
return webosPollStatus()
def unmute() {
return mute()
def mute()
log_debug "Executing 'mute'"
// sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'On', displayed:false)
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(26)
} else {
def newMute = !(state.Mute ?: false)
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://audio/setMute","payload":{"mute":'+newMute+'}}')
def externalInput()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(47)
} else {
def cInput = state.CurrentInput ?: "com.webos.app.hdmi1"
def nInput = null
switch(cInput) {
case "com.webos.app.externalinput.av1" :
nInput = "com.webos.app.externalinput.component"
case "com.webos.app.externalinput.component" :
nInput = "com.webos.app.hdmi1"
case "com.webos.app.hdmi1" :
nInput = "com.webos.app.hdmi2"
case "com.webos.app.hdmi2" :
nInput = "com.webos.app.hdmi3"
case "com.webos.app.hdmi3" :
nInput = "com.webos.app.livetv"
case "com.webos.app.livetv" :
nInput = "com.webos.app.externalinput.av1"
default :
nInput = "com.webos.app.hdmi1"
return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://system.launcher/launch","payload":{"id":"' + nInput + '"}}')
// return sendCommand('{"type":"request","id":"command_%d","uri":"ssap://tv/switchInput","payload":{"inputId":"HDMI_1"}}')
def back()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(23)
} else {
def up()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(12)
} else {
def down()
return sendCommand(13)
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(13)
} else {
def left()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(14)
} else {
def right()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(15)
} else {
def myApps()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(417)
} else {
return webosPollStatus()
def ok()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(20)
} else {
def home()
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
return sendCommand(21)
} else {
def wake() {
log_debug "Sending Magic Packet to: $televisionMac"
def result = new hubitat.device.HubAction (
"wake on lan $televisionMac",
null,[secureCode: "0000"]
log_info "Sending Magic Packet to: " + result
return result
def sendCommand(cmd)
if (televisionType == "NETCAST") {
def actions = []
actions << sessionIdCommand()
actions << tvCommand(cmd)
actions = actions.flatten()
return actions
} else {
def msg = String.format(cmd,state.sequenceNumber)
log_debug("sendCommand: " + msg)
// send the command
try {
catch (Exception e)
log_warn "Hit Exception $e on sendCommand"
def sessionIdCommand()
def commandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><auth><type>AuthReq</type><value>$pairingKey</value></auth>"
def httpRequest = [
method: "POST",
path: "/roap/api/auth",
body: "$commandText",
headers: [
HOST: "$televisionIp:8080",
"Content-Type": "application/atom+xml",
def hubAction = new hubitat.device.HubAction(httpRequest)
log_warn "hub action: $hubAction"
return hubAction
catch (Exception e)
log.debug "Hit Exception $e on $hubAction"
def tvCommand(cmd)
def commandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><command><type>HandleKeyInput</type><value>${cmd}</value></command>"
def httpRequest = [
method: "POST",
path: "/udap/api/command",
body: "$commandText",
headers: [
HOST: "$televisionIp:8080",
"Content-Type": "application/atom+xml",
def hubAction = new hubitat.device.HubAction(httpRequest)
log_debug "hub action: $hubAction"
return hubAction
catch (Exception e)
log.debug "Hit Exception $e on $hubAction"
def appCommand()
log.debug "Reached App Command"
def commandText = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><envelope><api type=\"command\"><name>AppExecute</name><auid>1</auid><appname>Netflix</appname><contentId>1</contentId></api></envelope>"
def httpRequest = [
method: "POST",
path: "/udap/api/command",
body: "$commandText",
headers: [
HOST: "$televisionIp:8080",
"Content-Type": "application/atom+xml",
def hubAction = new hubitat.device.HubAction(httpRequest)
log_debug "hub action: $hubAction"
return hubAction
catch (Exception e)
log_warn "Hit Exception $e on $hubAction"
private parseHttpResult (output)
def headers = ""
def parsedHeaders = ""
def msg = parseLanMessage(output)
def headersAsString = msg.header // => headers as a string
def headerMap = msg.headers // => headers as a Map
def body = msg.body // => request body as a string
def status = msg.status // => http status code of the response
def json = msg.json // => any JSON included in response body, as a data structure of lists and maps
def xml = msg.xml // => any XML included in response body, as a document tree structure
def data = msg.data // => either JSON or XML in response body (whichever is specified by content-type header in response)
log.debug "status check ekim: status: $status"
log_debug "headers: $headerMap, status: $status, body: $body, data: $json"
if (status == 200){
else if (status == 401){
log_info "Unauthorized - clearing session value"
sendEvent(name:'sessionId', value:'', displayed:false)
sendEvent(name:'refresh', displayed:false)
def String parseSessionId(bodyString)
def sessionId = ""
def body = new XmlSlurper().parseText(bodyString)
sessionId = body.session.text()
if (sessionId != null && sessionId != "")
sendEvent(name:'sessionId', value:sessionId, displayed:false)
log_debug "session id: $sessionId"
private parseHttpHeaders(String headers)
def lines = headers.readLines()
def status = lines[0].split()
def result = [
protocol: status[0],
status: status[1].toInteger(),
reason: status[2]
if (result.status == 200) {
log_debug "Authentication successful! : $status"
log_debug "Authentication Unsuccessful: $status"
return result
private def delayHubAction(ms)
return new hubitat.device.HubAction("delay ${ms}")
* Release Notes
* 0.2.5
* Fixed - old channel data not removed on TV poweron
* Added - user selectable connection retry time (WebOS only)
* 0.2.4
* Fixed - state machine loosing sync with device
* Fixed - more reliable power off detection
* Added - better websocket state handling
* Added - Live TV data handling
* 0.2.3
* Fixed - spurious websocket open/close cycling
* 0.2.2
* Added - WebOS TV Notification, Status subscriptions, Event propagation, setVolume/setLevel support, Poll device every
* 10 minute to improve connection stability
* 0.2.1
* Fixed - parameters not properly passed to driver
* 0.2.0
* Modified to support LG WebOS Smart Tv
* 0.1.1
* Ported LG Smart Tv from Smarththings
* Issues
* Unable to turn tv on (tried Wake on Lan unsuccessfully) - fixed (wake on lan / Mobile TV On must be enabled on the TV)
* Settings not carrying over from App to Driver
Thanks @mo.hesham but this version appears to be different than your last version above. It doesn't produce the same error on line 331, but it does produce another error: "unexpected char: 0x80 @ line 771, column 28." Really appreciate your contributions here (!!), but I wonder if we're having a version control issue.
@mluck apologies some characters were messed during copy and paste. I've edited the post, please try now and let me know how it went
No more errors tyvm
thanks, i wasnt sure what the latest was.
@mo.hesham appreciate your driver for the LGTV. Works great. Just one usage question. In prior iterations of the driver, there was an externalInput command that took a string parameter to be used to switch between streaming apps (e.g., Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc.). In your driver, there's an externalInput button that appears to toggle through the TV's inputs (HDMI1, HDMI2, etc.), but doesn't select among available streaming apps.
I can see in the State Variables, that you do have the list of streaming apps captured, But I can't figure out how to use the driver (or even RM) to switch between them.
I am having an issue where I can use the power on/off/input change commands but none of the other buttons work (up/down/left/right/enter/home....)
Am I missing something?
Logs look okay.
I'm in the same boat as @clintmeyer. Some buttons work but some of the buttons are not working.
I've had a look online for any configurations I could find that didn't tie up with what was in the code but couldn't find anything.
Anyway to get these buttons working again?