I have created a 5.1 Rule in Rule Machine to control a Pond pump which I have previously discussed in https://community.hubitat.com/t/using-wait-for-event-logic-check-please/99266
I wanted to add a notification of the external temp when the rule was triggered so I could tell if the Rule was delayed, due to low temps. However, I can't get the Temp to display correctly in the message - it displays as null.
I normally use a Sub Routine rule to output notifications to my phone, so that standard formatting is in one place but to double test, I have also added a direction Send message command - neither of which are working.
Steps I've taken:
I've created a local variable to store the external temp:
This is correctly storing the external temp value (13.3).
Then I've added actions to output this variable as a notification to my phone:
As you can see, the Send Message and Set Variable actions are outputting null rather than the local variable value. Is this a known issue or am I doing something stupid!
I found a reported bug in a post back in 2021 that could explain this but a fix was issued.