Is there any chance that my Fibaro 223 will work properly?

I have Hubitat C7 currently running version: and a number of fibaro 223 devices that don't work at all.
I mean, sometimes they work, but in my opinion, when automation works 'sometimes' it means that it 'doesn't work at all'.
Devices behave as if they are deeply asleep, often do not respond to a change of state or the reaction takes longer time. Sometimes it is necessary to refresh several times to show their state and energy meter correctly. I am using the latest driver Hubitat/fibaro-double-switch-2-fgs-223.groovy at master · erocm123/Hubitat · GitHub. I have 5 Fibaro 223 switches and they all behave similarly. I use one of them on the built-in Fibaro Switch controller and it also happens that the state can't change. Is there any solution to this problem?!

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I'd suggest you post this in the thread for the Fibaro 223

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