Is there any audio amplifier that has volume control via Zigbee?

I'm looking for a standalone audio amplifier that allows me to control volume via Zigbee. I have speakers out on my patio and they're fed from a small Fosi audio amplifier I have in my HTPC cabinet which takes line level input from the HTPC. Since I have many Zigbee devices setup in HE, I thought it'd be great to be able to control the volume of the patio speakers separately from that amp. But I have not been able to find a small amp that is Zigbee. Is there any way to do this?

If zigbee is a hard requirement… then IDK if there is a product that fills this. If zigbee is not a hard requirement, Denon and Marantz have a native integration with hubitat that allows for volume control over IP. If you had a zigbee/zwave remote, you could use it with some simple rules to control the volume of the amps.