Is there a way to see the target temp of my thermostat from dashboard

No worries. I just couldn't remember if that option was thrown out there. That is what I've been using, and it took zero code and about 30 seconds to setup.

When hubitat dashboard 2.0 comes out I'll re-evaluate whether I can move it back local or not. But in the meantime I need to be able to get to and adjust my thermostats. And with 4 thermostats, I wasn't about to build a zillion virtual buttons and RMs.

Double Height Thermostat tile from SharpTools:

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That looks fancier, but also looks like another rabbit hole I don't have time to go down!
Anyone recognize that error when pushing a virtual button?
errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "null" (push)

This problem is solved... there is a trick with virtual buttons. Apparently you have to click them once on the device page before you can click them on a dashboard. Don't forget to fill in the button number on the device page "Push" button, even if it's a one button device you still need that info to be passed.