Is there a limit ro the number of Kasa divices liked to Hubitat?

We have over 300 Kasa devices in our installation. The Hubitat scan stops at 75.

Your devices are on multiple LAN segments. In the App, select Modify LAN configuration and update the segments like: 192.168.50, 192,168,60 etc.

Also, you devices all need to be on the same LAN or they will not be able to communicate. If they are on multiple LANs, I.e., Hubitat needs to speak to your device via LAN and not WAN communications.


Thanks for your fast reply. All devices are on one LAN. I'm trialing Hubitate because SmartThings has a limit of 300 devices which forces me to have two kasa e-mail accounts and two SmarthThings account. I am trying to get Hubitat to recognize about 250 kasa devices on my primary kasa account. If I get all 250 devices found by Hubitat, I will rediscover the other kasa devices to get every device in one account.

Are they on different segments? a segment is limited to ~250 devices, so I assume your devices are on multiple segments (i.e., the 75 you found are on the same segment). I assume your lan has multiple access points all with different base segments.

PS = the primary integration is local and does not require the Kasa Login. It is optional for whey you have problems.

@bobbyD - can you confirm that (aside from processor utilization) there are not imposed limits on the number of devices for the Hub? 300 devices are a lot of devices, but in default refresh configuration, these devices use about 0.1% processor utilization each (on average).

Class B? Class A?

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This has nothing to do with the Kasa account and all to do with the subnet all of the devices are on. It has to be at least a /23 to have enough IP's for all of these devices to be on the same network. Your typical home network which is a single Class C network only has 254 hosts ip avaliable

We really need @rbuxton to answer the network question before anything else. How are the 300 kasa plugs attached. Do they all talk to a few access points that then use the same router/dhcp server and then allocate them to /24 subnet, or a /23 subnet.

If you have multiple AP's and routers with their own DHCP servers that provide ip's from seperate ip ranges you will likely need a hub for each range then you will need to do some magic to get the hubs to talk to each other and use hubmesh. This isn't a hub limitation though, but a network limitation.

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Thanks Mavrrick58 and others for your replies and help.

If I understand your question correctly, you are concerned with the number of WiFi clients we have on our network. I am not a network guy, but we had a network specialist set up our UniFi network system. He expanded the standard 250 clients up to 1,000. With all our devices we are at 363 clients as I write this. If I have misunderstood your question, please let me know and I will work at providing clarity. I certainly appreciate everyone's help.

To clarify our situation, I am a complete newbie to Hubitat, just plugged the unit in on Wednesday. We have been using Kasa devices through SmartThings for the past 5 years or so. We then connected SmartThings to SharpTools and have developed a significant installation of Samsung tablets installed and hardwired into each room with custom SharpTools dashboards in each room. The lady of the house loves the system. A happy wife...............

As we expanded the system, we began bumping up against SmartThings device limit of 300 devices. We got around this by creating a second Kasa account and second SmartThings account, which is cumbersome and difficult to explain to any future owner. SharpTools elegantly handles both SmartThings accounts well allowing rules to access both device sets, dashboards also can access both device sets.

When looking at alternatives when we exceeded 300 Kasa Devices, we looked at Google Home. Google Home can see and handle over 300 devices, but the Google Home system doesn't offer the functionality which SharpTools offers.

Sharptools also connects to Hubitat. If we can register all the Kasa devices with Hubitat, we can have one Kasa and one Hubitat account.

If Hubitat can elegantly handle about 340 Kasa devices, we will migrate to Hubitat and do our integration through SharpTools. If Hubitat can't easily handle these devices, we'll stay with SmartThings.

If Hubitat can elegantly register over 340 Kasa devices, we are prepared to put in the time and effort if it is simply a Hubitat learning curve.

Thanks again for jumping in.

What’s the network mask (netmask) for your LAN? Knowing that is essential to tell Hubitat how to discover all your Kasa devices.


I think you are rounding that number of hosts value. To get to just over a thousand it would need to be a /22 or That would give you 1022 Usable IP's.

If you have a windows computer attached to the same network open a command prompt abd type in ipconfig /all. It should list your interface and subnet there.

This isn't a simple answer to give since you really need to understand networking and the protocals involved with talking between the devices and possibly even subnets. Some protocals/tech work better then others and this may have nothing to do with hubitat. You may also need to perform some special actions on hubitat to allow it to communicate beyond a typical class c network of 250 is hosts.


Thanks for both of you for jumping in.

I have access to a network resourse guy is excellant but not at my fingertips.

When entered the ipconfig /all, I got the list as you described. this is a cut and past for the subnet, is this what you are asking for?
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :

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Ok so that confirms you are using a single large subnet. In theory it should be one large flat network that doesn't need routing.

I think by default the rule in place for allowed networks limits the hub to a single class c network or just 254 ip addresses. Look up the endpoint in the forums for how to enable other ranges and perform that change. To all the other class c neworks that are part of your larger subnet.


Thanks mavrrick58 for your help.

I'm not a tech guy but I can usually work through most home automation gagetss and giszmos along with SmartThings and SharpTools but according to my friend Professor Clinton G.P. Thompson (otherwise known as ChatGPT) it's rather a deep dive which I am trying to avoid. In addition to our large installation of Kasa devices, we are also outfitinmg five family homes and properties with basic home automation, lighting, thermostates, window coverings, security systems. These are smaller installations with less than 100 Kasa devices in each property.

While there will always be support resources available, the systems we put in place need do be basic plug and play installations. From reading several threads, it seems Hubitat provides broad home automation capabilities to passionate enthusists but the functionality is not off the shelf.

I don't see a group of passionate enthusists in my circle so I think its best not to take a deep dive into Hubutat without clear succession plans.

For the record; here's what my good friend Professor Thompson told about "endpoint", a topic above my pay rate, thanks for helping me get to this end point, I reall appreciate your help en bringing me som clarity:

Back to the Hubitat discussion. In order to extend the number of Kasa devices in Hubitat, the Community mentioned to adjust the endpoint. Do you know what this means?

ChatGPT said:


Memory updated

Adjusting the "endpoint" typically refers to modifying the API settings that Hubitat uses to communicate with the Kasa cloud service. In this context, the endpoint is the URL or network path through which Hubitat sends and receives data from the Kasa service.

What Adjusting the Endpoint Could Involve:

  1. API Endpoint: The Kasa devices communicate through TP-Link’s cloud service using an API. By adjusting the endpoint, you might be directing Hubitat to use a different server or path for these API requests, which could potentially bypass certain limitations or improve the response time, allowing more devices to be discovered or managed.

  2. Custom Integration: Some users in the Hubitat community create custom drivers or apps to interact with Kasa devices. These custom solutions might include options to adjust the endpoint, such as pointing to a different API version or even using a local endpoint if the devices support local control.

  3. Load Balancing: If there’s a custom or alternative endpoint available, it might be designed to handle more requests or distribute the load more effectively, which could help in managing a larger number of devices.

Steps to Adjust the Endpoint:

  • Check the Driver or App Settings: If you’re using a custom driver or integration for Kasa devices in Hubitat, check if there are settings related to the endpoint or API URL. The community forum or documentation for that specific integration would provide details.

  • Modify the Code: If you are comfortable with coding, you might be able to edit the driver or app code directly to point to a different endpoint. This is typically done in the section of the code where the API URL is defined.

  • Consult the Community: If you’re unsure about which endpoint to use or how to make the adjustment, it would be best to ask in the Hubitat community forums where the advice was given. They might provide specific instructions or even a ready-made solution.

This adjustment is a more advanced step, so ensure you have backups or a clear plan before making changes to avoid disrupting your setup.

Hmm, this might be a more relevant endpoint description:

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The endpoint I mentioned above is simply a WebURL that isn't part of the standard user interface to do advanced functions. You can call that url with a curl command from your computer to set advanced settings not typical for most users. Your desire to use over 300 Kasa plugs + whatever else you are doing on a /22 network is far from any Plug & Play environment. Allot of potential complications come from changing your network to something larger than a class C network or the regular 252 useable hosts. This is prosumer or enterprise type setup so plug and play is kind of out of the window.

If you want to keep it simple plug and play, then you may want to think about breaking the environment up into parts. Then have a hub for each part. Lastly you could possibly use the smartapp Hub Connect to bring it all together on a single hub for management. Ofcourse this is more costly as you need multiple hubs, but it keeps you from having a hub problem and breaking everything. It also helps keeps everything plug and play and simpler. The only non-standard thing in this setup would be making sure you can talk between the hubs and the UDM you have can take care of that. Your netrwork guy should be able to arrange that easily.

Hubitat can easily handle over 340 devices, but that is when you talk about Zwave, Zigbee, Wifi, Lan connected, ect. These setups exist in users homes today. The problem you are having is the limits of networking, networking protocols, and potential pit falls of running connectivity of consumer grade hardware over a enterprise type local area network or LAN.

Please keep in mind the use case you are asking for is very niche. Like .0000001% i would expect. Asking for it to be plug n play isn't really realistic.


I run a flat /21 network for organizational purposes. Hubitat works fine with it. The key is to get the netmask correct in Hubitat. The following should work while keeping the hub IP as DHCP, but you'll get a 'Missing IP' error.

[Update - see message further below]

I'd request a feature that all these 'hidden' network settings be added to the UI, behind some sort of 'advanced' warning that Hubitat uses in a couple other places. Almost all consumer stuff that has network settings includes a UI configurable network mask. It seemed to be on the list at some point.

Or at least get all the endpoints added to the documentation instead of pointing to community threads. @bertabcd1234


I don't doubt that hubitat can do it. My point is that it does require some additional configuration that isn't typical. You also need to be willing to research the setup and understand the implications. I simply question that with the request above of it being plug and play.

Along with the subnet mask being set properly, I also think there may need to be something setup in the allowed IP's configuration. That will likely need to be setup so that the hub will talk to devices outside of the initial class C network it is attached to.

You actually don't even need to set it via endpoint if the ui for static ip will set it


I think you're probably correct. The documentation isn't complete and all in one place. One post even said it's likely that Hubitat adopts the network size from DHCP, but I don't see any other confirmation. Since there's only 1 subnet I don't think any additional setup is needed.

The OP has a UniFi network. This is what mine looks like.

You obviously need to know a few things, but it's really not that complicated once you have a little understanding of the basics.

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Ok well it looks like it is allot easier then I recall. I just did some testing with my dev hub. I am running a /23 so my network I put the dev hub on the Static ip in the secondary expanded space and it works fine. I Did get a error shown below when doing so, but the values were saved and the ip was adjusted after the reboot.

You have two options to set this properly on the hub.

  1. You can browse to the UI and set it to what you want, just ignore the error

  2. Open up a browser on the network and enter the below address into your browser


Update the needed values to relate to your setup.

Once the subnet is setup properly the hub will communicate.

I pushed the network reset button to start from scratch. So I should have no overrides. My hub is on DHCP. The devices outside of an assumed /24 network seem to be working correctly. Including pinging local name records. So I guess I don't really know what the expectations should be. Including the OPs question of how to address 300 IP devices. I believe I've added more smoke than clarity.

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I am not sure I agree that you have added more smoke then clarity. It certainly has been confirmed now that as long as the subnet is set properly the hub won't have a issue talking beyond the 252 hosts. I was mostly concerned about the protection that was put in place to prevent access from external networks. That doesn't seem to be a issue either as i can talk to my dev hub in a while my main computer is on a 192.168.86.x space. So all the devices are talking across the whole subnet it appears.

I think this means that as long as the hub is set properly by either of the two options i mention above it should be good.