I'd add this post to your extensive compilation of background literature: https://community.hubitat.com/t/in-youre-opinion-how-well-will-the-zooz-dimmer-work-with-smart-bulbs-firmware-update0/24249/12
To add to that, Hubitat added support for the ZEN27 after Zooz disabled continuous level reporting while dimming, which was the source of the chattiness (my recollection is that they refused to do this before that was changed). Or so I thought Zooz disabled it--apparently it is a parameter you can adjust (that is where the post comes in above). I have no idea what happens when you enable that (does it still report, just not every single percentage--which would potentially cause 99 mesages in a matter of seconds?), but in any case, it's something you can disable, so I'd classify the device as "safe."
But for your purpose: if you're not attached to the idea of an in-wall switch, there are plenty of options that work well. Lutron Pico remotes are my favorite (Smart Bridge Pro required--so not cheap if you want one, but the devices themselves are so cheap it will tip in favor if you get a lot). Some people have luck with the Eria Remote/Dimmer (mine keep falling off my network lately, and I don't like how long a "hold" takes to register). All of these can fit in a standard decorator plate and replace the switch--you just have a battery to worry about. The Osram 2-button dimmer is ugly but could go over a switch, as could the Lutron Aurora, and you can use literally any button device--or anything you want (including any of these options)--such as the Hue Dimmer pretty much anywhere (elsewhere on the wall, table, etc.).