Is Smart Life supported?


Is Smart Life devices supported in Hubitat? If so, how?

A quick search of the forums turned this up...

Might be worth a look. I personally do not use any Smart life devices, so I have no firsthand experience.

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I'm usually pretty good at setting up these devices. Google Home and Alexa were fairly simple with the Smartlife switches I've purchased. After several hours, Hubitat has proven to be the most complicated. Everything I've purchased has been SmartLife compatible, and Alexa and Google Home tied right into it.

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That's because SmartLife is a cloud service as is Alexa and GH. Hubitat's main goal has always been local-only processing and tends to stay away from cloud integrations. Cloud-to-Cloud integrations are always the easiest to deal with, but also the most problematic when it comes to troubleshooting and internet outages.

Personally, I flash every Tuya/SmartLife device I get with Tasmota (I don't want my usage data going outside of my home network and I don't want it sitting on Chinese servers) and then use the Sonoff/Tasmota community created driver to control them.


I would like to know the answer to this too! Reading the posts on this subject I think the answer is "no" but I hoped there was some new info.

I have some Smart Life bulbs and am quite pleased with them. I can buy a four-pack of BR30 color bulbs for less than the price of one Hue equivalent. Alexa and Google Home control them well. Sure would like to get them on Hubitat.


so here is an IDEA that might let you at least turn them on or off.

Setup a Virtual Lock (I noticed that Alexa cant monitor a switch position) and have Alexa monitor that. Create a routine. I am going to try it now, but i am not home to know for sure if it worked or not.

edit: I confirmed that worked. I set Alexa to allow the app to control the lock. When the "lock" is on the Tuya lights turn on, vis-vera for off (another routine)

so, can't control the colors via HE, but I can turn them on and off.. I guess I could make a lock for each color of my fancy, but that would take too long.. but the good news is , my big want was the ability to monitor and set all lights to off when I leave home.

It is much easier to use a Virtual Contact Sensor for this purpose. The only problem is, when the device is turned on locally (i.e. on the device itself) that information is not passed to HE so HE doesn't know that the switch is on.


Would you mind giving a walk through or a link to a walk through to do that?

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Any news to SmartLife / Tuya support?

Maybe someone understands what is happening with Tuya API V2:

There will come even a solution without any cloud (i.e. purely local) ... :sunglasses:

BTW: On all the new Tuya / SmartLife devices you cannot use "Tuya Convert" anymore to flash Tasmota firmware. :disappointed_relieved:

Thats true. But who needs Tasmota if they add Tuya integration into the hub? :thinking:

That's the big IF... :wink:

I have a few Tuya devices. Would be good if there is an integration between Tuya and HE.


I've got a bunch too, Tuya support in HE would be great.

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