Is it me or does the "+" in the Hubitat top of screen graphic draw your eye as a religious symbol?

I'm not very Religious however the "+" always registers as if it might be a religious cross. Perhaps it's being white or the central location that makes it stand out. Or maybe the pair of devices has divine backing?

This would be on the "latest" screen.

I presume you are talking about this banner:

It doesn't particularly seem an issue to me.


Arguing about which rule engine is better is a heated topic on the order of religious battles.

This graphic is announcing the union of Hubitat, home of Rule Machine, and webCoRE, the app effectively created to replace Rule Machine when it was withdrawn from ST. Some would call this an unholy union.


To me it looks like a plus sign and nothing else?


Bite your tongue - it's Node-RED or nothing! :wink: :rofl:


Or like the prodigal son ...?


Weird, I see no such banner graphic anywhere on the site. Using Chrome (latest) in Windows10, with Dark Mode set and standard zoom.

EDIT: Whoops, there it is, on Hubitat "Latest" screen.

10 hours of reading is enough @LibraSun . You and I need to go outside. Like right now + +


I think it's more of a first aid symbol for SmartThings and Wink users...



Absolutely best/most accurate interpretation!! Kudos. :smiley: :smiley:


After staring at it for an hour, I don't feel particularly cross or nonplussed.


Besides, a religious cross would have the bottom leg longer. It is a mathematic plus sign, nothing more, nothing less. Seeing it as a religious symbol is reading into it something that just isn't there.

As for replacing Rule Machine, it isn't. It will exist alongside Rule Machine according to the announcements. You are free to use one, the other, or both. Whatever works for you.


I don't think it was meant that way. just providing historical context as to how Webcore came about, not that's it intended to be a replacement. I can see how you got that though, it was just written funny.


Yes, JLV's post is open to misinterpretation. If I read it that way, others probably would also.

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I think it being in the center of a sunburst pattern makes it relatable to a cross as depicted in print. I can't unsee the similarity now that you pointed it out. It's like seeing a portrait of Elvis in a shirt sweat stain or Godzilla in a formation of clouds.

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Can you share some of the stuff you’re smoking?


You missed the announcement ! Bruce is now a pastor, :slight_smile:

EDIT- This is a joke


I'm sorry you misinterpreted it. But I'm just stating history - webCoRE (actually CoRE) was created to replace the void left when RM was withdrawn from SmartThings.

I still remember the day Bruce withdrew Rule Machine from SmartThings (after weeks of ST employees saying it was responsible for DB corruption in the ST cloud). I also remember when Ady started working months later on CoRE. I as one of the few people who still had a RM git repo with the pulled code; I kept running RM along side CoRE for about a year. I actually didn't move from CoRE to webCoRE until the later was out for over a year.


Okay. My misunderstanding was in not knowing that Rule Machine was part of SmartThings. I thought it was a Hubitat specific application. The way I interpreted it was that webCoRE was going to replace Rule Machine. Thank you very much for clarifying that part of history that I did not previously know.


You might find this brief history of Hubitat interesting:


Looks like an oversized plus sign. As a Catholic, our cross has the cross beam higher. The plus sign has the cross beam exactly in the middle.