Is Future Matter Support limited to the C8?

Makes sense.

It might in the future, who knows? I don't think that will happen any time soon though due to the work it would take. Would be nice though!!!

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Most people already have Thread border routers in their home. Not sure about the others, but Apple even has a very advanced implementation if you have multiple Thread Apple devices. It will switch border routers if the previous goes down or reboots to keep your devices talking.


Google devices that act as TBR do that too. Tested it just yesterday for grins. Pretty neat.

Now, making that work across different manufacturers of TBRs is a different story.

Making multiple different vendor TBR play nice on a single fabric still seems hit or miss.


Yea... It makes for a very resilient network... I have had thread devices most of this year and it has been rock solid.


Is there any plan to bring the C7 up to parity with the C8 in this regard?

Apparently someone has thought about what it would take, and noted the large effort to get the libraries revised. In other words, the job has been measured but there's no plan to implement. The plan is to think about it more, I'm guessing. I don't work in Java much at all but Libraries are gruesome in every language I've dealt with them. So much potential for greatness that turns into greatness of effort to resolve errors.

History suggests that Hubitat want to but the size of the effort as it currently estimated means it won't be any time soon. We may see the 'low-hanging-fruit' (easily migrated libraries,) appear in Version Next, which will have minimal impact to us, the users. But I bet there's 3-4 gruesome libraries that only offer breaking changes. That's my best crystal gazing I can offer. :slight_smile:


Makes sense, more reasons for me to buy a C8 without being killed by the MoF.

PS, I’ve never understood why anyone uses Java for anything. Sure it’s got great cross platform abilities, but the speed penalty of interpreted languages is ridiculous.


That is correct. Building Matter on the C-8 has been a year-long project that locked significant engineering resources. The same effort must be taken to prepare older models. With our limited
engineering resources, and the never-ending "to do" list, there is no plan to add Matter to older models.


The C7 has basically the same hardware architecture as the C8, doesn't it? Why can't the libraries running on the C8 run on the C7 without major changes?


Actually the hardware architecture is not the same. Different zigbee radio and different z-wave radio.

More to the point, it seems to have a different kernel (at least as reported by nmap fingerprints). And a newer version of Java (as reported on the Hubitat community).

My best guess is that updating the Java version on the C-7 will require an update of the underlying OS with serial driver support for the older radios. Because the odds of bricking a device while doing that are high, I would guess that is something Hubitat is keen to avoid, especially when the C-7 and C-5 currently work with all their advertised capabilities.


No Matter on C7 :frowning: Bummer.

So I looked over to the dark side... I Installed the Matter integration as well as the thread one. Then I bought a Matter device to see how it would go. It went surprising well. I fired HADB and voilà! my Matter device is now on my C7.

This had the side effect of adding my Nest hubs as thread border routers to HA. I guess thread devices could be integrated the same way.

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The issue is more complex attributes being passed like that. RGB control, power attributes. Most of that are not being passed by current clusters in matter.

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It is a rgbw bulb and I can control color, temperature, and level from Hubitat.

that's good there. via HADB but I'm talking matter bridging. Certain things aren't available in matter clusters (I've been part of the matter beta since the beginning) Hopefully future versions of matter fix this (this is a matter issue not a hubitat issue, same happens with other matter instances)

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really wish matter passed power reporting

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Not sure I follow what you mean. I added the bulb to HA and to Google Home as a Matter device only. HADB, as usual, only carry over what is available on HA.

Yes, that part was not passed over

Try this, hook up an outlet, you won't get power metering even though power metering is built in. Matter clusters can't handle it. Things like that can't be passed due to the matter version available from the consortium at the moment.

Yes I understand that, but RGB control is available.

Anyway I was only testing if there was a workaround to get Matter devices on the C7. Since the Matter specs depends on the consortium, the limitations would be the same for the C8.

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Anyway, lots of brilliant minds here eventually will find the official or not solution.