Is Device Controlled Locally?

How can I tell if a device is controlled locally by the hub, through the LAN or over Internet?

z-wave and zigbee are local. Lutron is also local. If you are required to use a username and PW it is likely a wifi cloud device. If it's wifi and you don't need to (like lifx) then it's local. What devices are you concerned about?

Yes. I knew that.

I'm trying to develop a comprehensive report on my HE system using the Maker API or possibly a custom app. One of the things I would like in that report is how each device is controlled.

For instance, is my Hue bridge over the LAN or does it go through Hue servers on the Internet?

It's local lan..

Its not something you can specifically derive from an attribute on the device or app, other than maybe z-wave and zigbee. Everything else is going to be on a case by case basis.

As @rlithgow1 said, if you have to put a username and password into an app or driver then it is probably cloud based. If it goes off device discovery or a direct IP then it is probably local control.

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What make/model is your router? You could probably turn off the internet access of your hub. What doesn't get the command from local end point of your Maker API instance is cloud. Additionally we could probably point out which devices you have that use cloud (there are not many) if you share your list of devices.

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