iPhone App - Select Hub - No Dashboards

I get a message that Multiple Hubs found, select the one you want to connect to. I only have one Hub, and it shows up, but I cannot connect. After a while, the app crashes,

If I click on the little head at top next to my email, I can select registered hubs. But clicking on remote access does nothing. And none show that they have hub protect, which they do. I assume that is a work in progress.

Same issues on 2.0.4 staring with iOS18. No dashboards and no notifications. Devices available by connecting directly to Hub from within App. Notifications says: "KotlinException code 403. Dashboard is just blank with no error message.

I have a similar or same issue. I could not figure out how to add a new iPhone to the devices list for notifications. This phone has a different name and was installed from a iTunes backup. The app worked but I could not change the name or create a new device.

A post here said the best way is to delete the app and reinstall. When I did that it logs on and does the same thing ... a message about multiple hubs (I have only one) and the single hub listed cannot be selected. After a few seconds the app crashes.

This is IOS 18.01

Does the old app work? I wish I had not deleted it too

I made progress. I rebooted my Hubitat c-5 and updated the firmware. Now it loads on the app but still has the old phone name. Not sure where it came from because I deleted the app and the message said it would delete the data from the phone.

How do you update the name?

Same issue here plus Devices list on mobile app is not updating; shows me present when I'm not and is not showing updated device rooms on the mobile app. Mobile app v2.05 (322), hub platform Rev C-7, iOS 18.0.1. Mobile app: Geofence is enabled, set to always w/Precise Location on, notifications are enabled. I'm not receiving notifications in Local or Cloud on the mobile app. Here's what I've done already to try to fix these issues with no success: rebooted the hub 2 times, signed out of the mobile app then re-signed in, uninstalled the mobile app and re-installed at least 4 times now, performed "DNI surgery" as described in another post to fix notifications and have verified the mobile app is pointing to the new DNI however a test fails to send a notification. I even re-installed the old app at one point which worked great for about 4 days until I started getting token errors. Not sure what else to try to fix this mobile app. Anyone have any ideas?