IP Rated ZwavePLUS - repeater

As the topic says, I've been searching for an IP rated Zwave Plus power outlet (AU/NZ style) and I've practically given up BUT I thought I'd float an idea I had past the forum...
If I place one of THESE image behind a regular weather proof power outlet like this image
wouldn't I essentially get what I'm after ?
I'd just leave it in an "ON" state and then be able to control the outlet via it's local switch as well as get the repeating capability.
Anyone see any issues with this ?
It just dawned on me and it just seems too easy. :laughing:


That's a Single Relay, but there are also dual, but the relays become the power switch. The physical switches get demoted to logic switches and just tell the relays what to do.

You have the physical problem of the switch won't match expectations when you've controlled it by ZWave. That little red bar on the physical switch is intended to signal something.. it won't.

Yeah understand but I don't intend to actually do anything with it via Zwave apart from it acting as a repeater. I'll actually only be using it as a weather proof repeater to extend the range out to my back shed. I'll fit one to each of the outside GPO's I have at the back of the house and that'll assist in multi-pathing back to the HE hub.
I was unable to find a weatherproof repeater but knew that Mains devices act as repeaters, which led me to this solution....

Only caution is it is rated for 0 to 40 C. Depending on your location, you may be stressing the device and reduce service life.

Yeah, those temps shouldn't be an issue for me in Sydney :slight_smile:

I installed the first one this afternoon and it’s working great.
By placing the repeater inside the GPO on the outside wall of the house I’m managing to get signal from m HE hub.
The reason to do this was that I found that the foil insulation in the house walls was attenuating the Zwave and zigbee signals directly from my HE hub.
Now I’ve got Zwave out to the back shed which needs devices. !!


What? And you didn't consider buying another hub for the shed? For shame!!!



Haha, I actually DID consider Ethernet to the shed both as WiFi or as Ethernet over Powerline. but getting wifi outside was more problematic and would have been more visible (externally mounted AP) and the sheds on a different power circuit from the rest of the house meaning I’d need to get Lan to the power board which would also be difficult (read expensive)
Burying the tiny little repeater in the weatherproof power outlet seems to have worked out OK. So far.

I buried flexible conduit from the house to the garage and from the garage to my outermost shed specifically for low voltage stuff. The conduit is really inexpensive and has meant feeding Ethernet and wires to sensors very quick and easy.

Nice. I’d have loved to do that but I just couldn’t find a way to cleanly and simply get cables out of the house and through the concrete slab the house sits / floats on.
Then there was the 200mm termite barrier to contend with as well. :kissing_closed_eyes:

You can rent jack hammers for that concrete. :wink:


Yeah, no WAF issues with that idea AT ALL! Lol


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Outta sight, out of mind :+1:

For the sake of interest (hubitat not in play for this scenario) I had to get EOP across circuits to get around Dad's shed acting like a bloody faraday cage.
I have a contact at D-Link and he advised to try the DHP-W611AV to jump across circuits.
They would not guarantee it would work but in this case it did and he can now watch youtube in the shed, so in a similar setup I'd probably go second hub as I'd want network out there anyway.

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Hmmm, Not cheap and in my case it would also have required a electrician to fit a power outlet on the Sheds power circuit, in the power meter board, so I could get "onto" the sheds circuit. If that makes sense. :slight_smile:

yeah not cheap but we already had power outlets in the shed and watching a 70ish bloke spit the dummy because he couldn't see youtube from his lathe while he tried to replicate a technique he had seen........... Spent the money and stopped the tantrum. Mum is happier........