IP Camera integration



Expected in what context?

Your prior expectations at work as an engineer?

When discussing technical projects among hobbyists doing stuff in their free time?

The latter is more applicable to >99% of the people in this forum, although there is of course a commercial product (but again, aimed mostly at home automation enthusiasts) and a few participatory staff members that make up the core of our focus here.

Something else?

99% of the people in this forum are decent, intelligent people who wish to either learn or to help.

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Most of us do but there are things sometimes expected that unrealistic. The community members take their time to create apps and drivers and make them available to us at no cost to us and considerable cost in terms of time to create and time to maintain something they put out there. Even where HPM is hosted is paid for by the developer and sometimes we try to donate and the majority don't. I for one am not going to complain about an incomplete instruction when I can just ask the dev themselves or where those instructions are located. Especially when it's a hobbiest community

Don't understand why you would find this comment funny. After learning how to integrate Blue Iris cameras into HE motion triggers, why not write the documentation that is much more detailed and thorough then the current documentation on this subject. Also please remember that after writing this documentation to constantly monitor any version changes to both HE and Blue Iris to ensure that nothing in your documentation needs to change as new versions of both HE and Blue Iris are released.

Thank-you in advance for putting in the huge investment in time that this will take. I am sure you are very busy with other things in your life, like the rest of us.

It's possible that I have misunderstood some of the comments. It's possible that I am being asked, in sincere earnest, to do a writeup on this procedure, for the benefit of those like myself, who come here wishing to learn.

My writing skills don't match the HE docs author, but sometimes I'm not bad. Tell you what. I'll do it. After I learn it myself, that is.

If I may ask, why did you say

How would you improve that?
Thank you in advance.

Most people in that case simply post their rule for their use case. The rest of us can use that as a base.


I think so, on both counts.

I think what most others are trying to convey is that it’s it’s not reasonable to expect Hubitat to document, in detail, how to make use of a solution for using IP cameras as motion sensors that is mostly all about configuring and then integrating with an external service running on windows.

But if you have questions about how to do that, many people are often happy to try their best to work through a solution (or as hard as they feel like putting in an effort, this is after all very few people’s job here).

If you want to work through it yourself (with help as needed), and put together detailed documentation of how the process worked out for you, in the interest of sharing with the community, then no one is sarcastically encouraging that.

The encouragement is genuine, even if it’s hard to convey tone with written words and many people understandably assume others on the internet could be having a laugh at one’s expense.

Sure doesn't seem to be true .....

I seem to have become a magnet for the 1% feral barn cats that are present in any "community. "

If this happens as consistently as you seem to indicate, it's time to take a good long hard look in the mirror .....

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I see you in back of me.

I said this because @Ranchitat's post earlier in the thread provided good instructions. Here is a screenshot of @Ranchitat's post in this thread:

If you know how to use HE software and you know how to use Blue Iris software, then these are simple instructions on how to make a Blue Iris camera trigger a motion sensor in HE.

If these instructions are hard to follow, it is most likely due to the user not being comfortable with either the HE software or the Blue Iris software. At this time the user should take the time to learn these two pieces of software after which the above instructions are easy to follow.


That should be telling you something.

We are generally very welcoming and very helpful. Occasionally someone comes along making unreasonable requests then simply ignore what we have to say and why and then criticize how it's done because it isn't "their" way and they know better. Just because I've been a network engineer for over 35 years doesn't mean I have a right to come into Hubitat's community and then tell the dev's that they have to add a gigabit interface and then document it all. No. I'm smart enough to say, "Hey, how come Hubitat didn't go with a gigabit interface", listen to their response and move on. I didn't go, well I've been a network engineer for 35 years and this is unprofessional and you guys should have documented that (even though it is documented but I didn't look close enough I just assumed since I didn't click away from a main page that it wasn't there). After repeated messages like that and constant criticisms, it tends to grate on the barn cats as you put it and it distracts us from our mousing.,


I think at this point in time that this thread has deviated far from it's orginal topic. @bobbyd will you us the honors of closing this thread and we can move on to new subjects.,,.,.,. :slight_smile:


Why did you not say that earlier, before the 1% got started?
Why did you suggest I write it, when you are satisfied with the existing notes?
My weakness is naivete. It's easy to see in this thread.

Just to clarify, I was only quoting Bryan :man_bowing:.
:slight_smile: @bptworld


It's a pity to see such a desocialized group.

I believe you posted these instructions in good faith, so I'm going to use them.

I did, I stated that @Ranchitat's post provided good instructions. I stated this in this thread, long before you started posting in this thread. I am surprised you don't realize this, since you are quoting my post stating this.

You obviously desire a much more detailed write up on this issue, If you feel there should be one, feel free to write one, nobody is stopping you. I am NOT unsatisfied or satisfied with the existing notes. I never used them. I typically don't refer to documentation for my HE endeavors. I prefer to learn the software by playing around with it, and if I have questions/problems I ask the nice people in this forum. This strategy has always worked well for me. But, I understand if others would like to follow detailed documentation, I encourage you to write it, if you think there is a need. (Seems like a lot of work to me, but maybe you have the time).

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