IP Camera integration

Sorry for all the question. I set up a panel and added an image with URl like you show on top. But i am sure i am missing something. Can you point me to a tutorial on how to set the tile showing the camera feed. Thanks

It needs to be an image URL (i.e. mjpg) that will open in a browser.
Once you have that working it's just a matter of copy/paste and selecting your refresh rate.
My starting point:

My Genbolt camera.

In the screen shot above, you can see how large I made the tile. You want to make the tile take up enough real estate on your dashboard so it fills up the amount of your display device screen you would like. I made mine 4 tiles high and 3 tiles wide, this would vary based on the display device you are using and the number and size of tiles in your dashboard.

The next stage is simply to use the blue iris link to the video feed. If you are using blue iris, I would not follow anything @ranchitat showed. His information is if you want the feed from your camera to be directly displayed on an HE dashboard. This is NOT what I am doing here. My IP cameras are directly feeding into my blue iris software, the blue iris software can then process this video and send it to both local and and non-local devices. The IP address that I have blacked out in my screenshot above is not the local IP address of my camera (like I said, I am not directly accessing my cameras feed), but it is rather the local address of my blue iris server.

The nice thing about this is that you can set the frames per second (fps) to whatever you want. I have it set to 3 frames per second, but you can set it higher if you would like. There is no need to set a "refresh interval" in the hubitat dashboard window.

Do you need help with setting up blue iris?

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man, can't thank everyone enough for all the help. This community is great.

I have everything setup and working in blue iris. My question is where you get image link. Is there is standard protocol or is obtained from blue iris. I have tried everything including the Ispy URL auto link generate with no success. Thanks

It is obtained from blue iris. Don't even bother trying to get the camera feed in an HE dashboard until you can display the video feed in a browser. If I open up a new tab in my Chrome browser and paste (into the browser's address bar) the local link I have blotted out above; the video stream will play. At this point I know if I put the same local link into an HE dashboard it will work.

To get the local link run the "Remote Access Wizard" in blue iris. On the last page you will be provided the local link. Make sure there are green checkmarks (not a red x) at each step of the remote access wizard. Once you have your local link just add this to the end of it:
This works to display the camera called "Backโ€œ if you named your camera something else change accordingly. You can also change the fps to what you desire.

Thanks for the guide!
I've been running Blue Iris for years but just sort of set it and forgot it (with a few automations ) so this finally got me to go back and give it a bit of a play.

Running the wizard failed for me as I don't have any open ports, but using the Local Webserver URL works fine.

Image Tile Settings

And tbh the Genbolt jpg URL is a pita as it needs to be authorized regularly, so this is much better.
Thanks again. :slight_smile:

One other thing, for completeness, the thing that got me, back when I first started with HE. Setting up your Hubitat dashboard, this is for an Image template, not a Video Player template. :upside_down_face:

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I hear ya, I set my blue iris up so long ago, I couldn't even reply to @user3340 till I went to my windows computer and figured out what was going on in blue iris. I am not sure who the HE user was that pointed out you simply need to append the local address with /mjpg/nameofcamera?fps=3 to get a camera feed that integrats nicely with HE, but I thank whoever it was all those years ago.

@user3340, as @Ranchitat pointed out above you probably don't need to have the blue iris remote access wizard be successful, you just need to know the local address and the port number.

perfect I now have images but not sure how to use automation with the camera views.
Anyway to trigger on the images them selves or is it only by using e,g a motion sensor.

I assume, since you posted in this thread, you are using Blue Iris and that Blue Iris and Hubitat are both running on your local network. If this is the case, you can have the Blue Iris software detect motion in the camera's field of view, you can also have Blue Iris send a local endpoint trigger to HE, when this motion happens. This, in effect, turns motion in the camera's field of view into a motion sensor in your HE.

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All your assumptions are correct! Can you explain what i need to do in BI to trigger something in HE?

It's been quite a while, and lots of updates, since I used this thread to set up mine, but it should still be pretty much the same procedure to get an alert from Blue Iris into Hubitat.

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Many thanks.. I've had BI for years and wished I had known about this a long time ago. Time to play now...

The new version I believe is in @bptworld 's event engine

To be clear, you do not need any third party app (Event Engine or Blue Iris Control), to accomplish this. Third party apps can give you even more integration between Blue Iris and HE, but they are NOT required to have Blue Iris recognize motion in a camera's field of view and send a local endpoint trigger to Hubitat. This in effect makes your ip camera into an HE motion sensor. No third party app required for this.

@Ranchitat provided good instructions for how to do this in Rule Machine. All you need is Blue Iris running on a windows computer and Rule Machine running on a Hubitat. If these two devices are on the same local network, the communication between the two is simply with a local endpoint trigger. There is no need to install any third party app.


WOW. This is exactly my mission. Thanks! I'll be back.

There is also camect if you don't want to use blue iris. It's fantastic.

Too bad it's rentware.

It's not. I don't pay a subscription and I get everything on it including remote viewing. Everything is 100% local. What costs is if you want to have cloud access. I just use a vpn.

It looks like the hub is $519.

To purchase, yes.

Presumably they factor in the value of their local AI processing into the per-unit cost of the device, which does not require any subscriptions for local access.

You can also accomplish something similar with Blue Iris and Deepstack, at much less cost. But youโ€™ll spend more time setting it up and tuning the AI.

Having tried both, I donโ€™t regret purchasing a Camect hub at all.