iOS app unusable

I'm receiving push notifications fine, but when I try to do something in the iOS app -- it just hangs and not responding to the touch events. What's the deal here, and how to get it resolved? Perhaps this happened after recent update. It was working without issues before.


I have also seen this, I happen to be running iOS beta 14 and assumed this was the cause.

Works fine here. Iā€™d suggest you provide some details. What phone? What version of iOS? What version of the app?

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Have you rebooted your phone and relaunched the HE app ??

I have seen this as well. I actually posted about it, but I put it in the wrong forum. I then deleted it and then posted correctly but the forum wouldn't let me post it again it said it was too close to my other post. So I figured I would come back in a day or two but I never did.

Anyway it has happened three times for me. The first two I finally just deleted the app and reinstalled and it started working again. The last time it happened I sat the phone down and was looking at something and sometime during the delay it finally started responding.

Not sure how long it had sat, so try that and if it doesn't work, uninstall and re-install. It's not that big a deal as you just have to log in again. Glad to hear I am not the only one to see this.

[edit]In my case re starting the phone or app had no effect. Only a complete delete and re-install fixed it.

Iā€™d suggest you provide some details. What phone? What version of iOS? What version of the app?

Well, it doesn't really matter, as this app is the only affected. But for those wondering, iOS 13.6; iPhone 11 Pro Max, Hubitat 1.0.10.

Have you rebooted your phone and relaunched the HE app ??

Well, I know "turn it off, turn it on and will work". rebooting does not help; re-installing up either. It will stop responding.

Btw, is it me, or is Hubitat app looks like not native resolution on 11 Pro Max? If it's the case... well, large phones are here for last five-iso years.. time to support them natively.

I'm not totally sure why it "doesn't really matter" knowing what type of phone you have and what OS is critical to someone trying to track down the bug for you. You might want to consider trying the beta version available. I find it a lot more stable, it is version 1.10.0.

I think it's you. Mine is very much the native resolution on my 11 Pro Max.

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I discovered beta version link couple days ago and it is indeed works for me now. Had to force quit couple times and it got unstuck. Thanks.

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