[iOS 2.0] What is suppose to work exactly on the device page

Might be a stupid question, but are some devices not working yet in the Beta version, when I click on thermostats, nothing happens at all as an example. Before getting a full report of non standard behavior, it would be nice to know what should and shouldn't be working.


Bumping this one up. I'm also not sure what is supposed to happen with thermostats. When I click on the button, I just get the spinny thing indefinitely until I collapse the section, and nothing happens to my thermostat device... nothing in the logs/events.

Previously I think only switch/dimmer devices would show on that page. I am guessing the thermostat has "on" and "off" commands? Whatever those do is what I would guess it is trying to do. It is probably spinning waiting for the "switch" attribute to change in response to the on/off commands. You should be able to see the command being issued in the event history of the device page.

The fix would probably just be to exclude thermostats from showing there.

Thermostat is not fully implemented yet, will remove it to avoid confusion until implementation is complete.