Internal storage 32GB / Save Text to speech in Memory

So I had an internet outage and during that time I had a water leak get triggered. I have announcements (text to speech via sonos) to notify me of the leak and what location. However since the internet was out, the announcements did not happen. Reason is habitat sends the text to amazon which sends back the file to play as audio.

So it would be nice if we could get internal storage of about 32GB or Micro SD slot. and that we could store the text to speech files locally and it would replay them from there rather than sending to amazon every time. And give us the agility to generate and save them for playback.

Also be able to mark them for saving, else they will be removed after 90 days or something.

Just want a way to be able to have offline text to speech for when the internet is out. After all we are trying to make it off line as much as possible and text to speech it the one downside.

This also would require us to be able to access the files stored on the hub via rule machine / webcore

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The hub does cache them using its onboard storage after the first request. So, as long as you don't change the text, voice, etc., it should play locally the next time. If you want to create and upload your own files for direct reference later, e.g., for media plater devices that support this, you can use File Manager. The hub will host these files, accessible over HTTP.

(The micro-SD card slot is only found on older hub models, never had any use, and I would not expect future development of features for it. But it would not be necessary for either of the above uses.)

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So I guess my issue is that I use variables, I have $Door Opened, (Example it would grab the device name that was triggered "Front Door" and then say $Door (Being Front Door) Opened, So Front door Opened. So its always a moving target. Sa I do this with all my sensors to avoid a million rules. So nothing is being cached then. and the internal storage is not enough for all my devices

The hub should still use the cache if the string matches, regardless of whether you're using variables to construct it beforehand. As for space, I believe there is 8 GB, and even if we assume all your files are 15-second (they're probably shorter) CD-quality uncompressed (they're probably compressed) WAV files (again, they're probably using a different format), that's over 3000 such files (of course not accounting for space the hub itself already uses, but likely still very many files). :slight_smile:

Regardless, the above still stands, and I wouldn't expect any sudden new hardware features on a C-4 at this point...

Aw it must have not been said before, as I just tested and dam its been cached. pulled internet and it works.

Thanks so much, this makes my life very easy.


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