Intermittent zwave issues on C7

Zwave on C7 hub seems to be going down once or twice a day.

Logs like the below shed any light as to what the problem is?
Even devices directly connected to the hub aren't responding.

Garden lights2020-12-16 17:00:49.981 seqNo: 51, routeChanged: true, transmissionTime: 0ms, repeaters: None, speed: Unknown, rssi: [0 dBm, 0 dBm, 0 dBm, 0 dBm, 0 dBm], Ack channel: 0, Transmit channel: 0

Study false TV2020-12-16 17:00:45.566 seqNo: 50, routeChanged: false, transmissionTime: 0ms, repeaters: None, speed: Unknown, rssi: [0 dBm, 0 dBm, 0 dBm, 0 dBm, 0 dBm], Ack channel: 0, Transmit channel: 0

Then magically, without me doing anything at all every zwave device starts working again....

Can you screenshot your Zwave Details page please? That will probably help whoever sees this to have a bigger picture of what is going on.

But yea, that is odd. And you did start a support ticket, right?

Change all your zwave contact sensors drivers to use the Ring Alarm Contact Sensor driver. There's a bug that should be fixed in 2.2.5. Spams the mesh trying to update the battery status and clogs it up till it gets a report back.

Thank you. I'll give that a try. Happens roughly once or twice a day. I see no issues in the zwave details page.

I think I have the same problem, I have varied drivers for all the devices except the thermos, tho' to no avail. The switches are Qubino's, the motion is a Heimann but it also happens to the neo- and fibaro-plugs. I thought it were the qubino's first but that has been fixed. Also put all Security off to all devices to -none- Nice little detail is that receiving data from the devices (power/state of the switch) are all reported correctly.

The z-wave is integrally down and at some point it starts working again and all is good and sweet as if I'm the fool. I feel the hub is laughing at me. And just minutes/hours later the same happens again. Also the hub is not in some sort of never ending rule loop, nor, I don't see any off the apps acting weird.


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Looks very similar. Incidentally everything else including zigbee and LAN devices run 100% fine. It's only zwave that decides to take a break every so often.

I found that all of my 4 Neo Coolcam Power Plugs simply do not function as repeater (with the buildin driver ). Whatever goes through them stops right there. The plug itself though works perfectly.

When the switch changes its route it starts working again.

I now tried an other driver (not the hub-included one) to see if this would solve anything. And however the connection speed significantly drops, all the switches using the plug in its route now work.

Interesting, I don't have any outlets but a couple of the neo coolcam light switches. I wonder if I'm seeing the same thing?

Seems no fix even in latest update...
zWave is terribly bugged (I'm on C7).
Have Qubino16A switches & Fibaro with no such issues on SmartThings Hub (and no, will not go back tho this FUBAR). C7 bugs Qubino (S2) connected and some Fibaro. Sporadically gets better and slowly degrades so need hub reboot, then most zWave devices regain connection, though some - never.
Zigbee is with no issues whatsoever by now.