Instant Harmony Hub Status Updates!

@halfrican.ak based on your post and the one below from @destructure00, I decided to try to get instant updates from my Harmony activities WITHOUT turning on my ST hub (not gonna happen for me). What I did was a kind of hybrid of both methods. I implemented @destructure00's method of getting instant updates in ST. Worked perfectly. Next step was to update a virtual device in HE when these switches changed. For that I used webCore (in ST) to send a web request when these switches changed. For the web requests I used the Hubitat Maker API with cloud access enabled. If ST Harmony Tv activity changes to on then send HE Maker "on" URL for Virtual TV switch in HE. Rinse repeat for "off" and Voila.... Instant updates in Hubtitat with my ST hub still tucked away nicely in the closet.

Thank you both for sharing your ideas!!

EDIT: for get to thank @ogiewon for helping me avoid a lot of wasted time trying to use Other Hub or Hub Link as they would both require the ST hub to be powered on (they use LAN protocols)