INPUT type: "time", defaultvalue :?

EDIT: This code actually worked after all...

Looking to see how I can set a default value for a time input?

input (name: "pollStartTime", type: "time", title: "Time to start poling the API ", defaultValue: "13:13")

This does not work nor do many other attempts to set a default value

Thanks, but that thread has nothing to do with the time input type and having a default value already entered in the fields when the app opens for the first time.

I haven't tried this, but time input returns a String value formatted like this:


You might try that...

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Thanks Bruce, I'll try that tonight and see, will report back.

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This worked for me:

input (name: "pollStartTime", type: "time", title: "Time to start poling the API ", defaultValue: "13:13")

It shows the default value until entering the input area to change (actual value at that point is null).


??? hmmm that is weird as heck, I just copied you're line and it worked, yet it's the same as what I posted above ???

When I hit done, it saves the preference with the default value.

Thanks for making me test it again, maybe I added the colon and did not test it thinking I did!

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