Inovelli RGBW LED Strip Individually Addressable-From our favorite company

Anything on the horizon? Would be great to individually address the individually addressable LEDs

Following up again... I bought two of these to address the individually addressable LEDs for specific use cases. If it's just going to be running presets with no real ability to customize the pixel effects, that would kinda defeat why I bought them


When this thread popped up, I immediately went over to Inovelli's site to order some. Saw this advertised:
Great! I can replace my LifX LED strip out for ZWave!

But, wait.... so the individually addressable LED strip doesn't actually have individually addressable LEDs? I'm totally confused. The Color Effects instruction document only mentions fixed color presets - how is this individually addressable? Perhaps individually addressable by the stock Inovelli controller but not individually addressable by the user? But the website says "change each light to create YOUR OWN individual palette"? Maybe someone can shed some light on this (pun intended), because what I'm seeing on this thread and what I'm seeing on Inovelli's website seem to conflict. Not sure if I should order them or not....

(If it matters, my primary use case only requires 16 predetermined color palettes, so setting them up in advance is not an issue for me. Clunky, but workable. But I can't tell if I'll be able to in fact specify my own 16 color palettes)

Hey guys -- we're happy to take these back from you if you're not happy with them. I know it's not the answer you want to hear, but at this time, we can't update the firmware as our manufacturer is refusing to do any work on the product to fix the issue.

I will take full responsibility for the individually addressable LED marketing verbiage. My understanding was since the individual LED's can be different colors, it meant individually addressable. I didn't realize there was a difference of opinion on if you could control each individual LED from the controller itself.

I hope the manufacturer can help, but I've stopped holding my breath with them.

Again, if you're not happy with the product, I'd be more than happy to extend a refund and sorry for the confusion.


Sucks at how smaller companies are subject to the whims of the manufacturers.. seems like fair warning to all would be device creators/shops hoping to bring their ideas to market..

Thanks for your honesty and commitment to your customers!! I know it's gotta be a source of ongoing frustration.


Thanks for the clarification. Sounds like individual addressability for flexible, user-specified custom palettes will happen at some point. Sounds like a frustrating manufacturing issue that us customers are blissfully insulated from :slight_smile: I'll keep my eye out and order some when they have this capability!

Yeah, it would be nice if everyone followed the rules, but when you're the smaller guy, it's much easier to be taken advantage of.

Directly from the MSA (manufacturer service agreement):

Section's C & D both state we (Inovelli) own all IP derived from any products produced.

This includes firmware.

One of the biggest issues we've had is that the manufacturer has kept the source code for everything we've produced despite us asking for it numerous times so we could tweak things (individual addressability being one for the lightstrip).

To add insult to injury, whenever we do manage to get someone over there to work on the firmware, we're charged for it lol.

Idk, hopefully one day we can fight back, but the costs of fighting an international IP battle seem pretty steep, especially for a smaller company.



Yes, very greatly appreciated, Eric.

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I don't mean to sound like a jerk store, but I 100% bought these with the intention of customizing the individual LEDs (replacing my LIFX strips), but am pretty disappointed to not have this feature. I think if the offer is true, I'd like to return mine - though it is admittedly currently attached to my TV, so yeah, not ideal for resale for sure.

I just placed an order and. am now cancelling
Hopefully they will cancel it before it ships
Surprised it still said individually addressable

You're good man -- just write a ticket in and we'll take care of you.

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Looks like we were able to cancel it, so you should be good.

I've asked the team again to update the page to be more clear.

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Thanks for your help

I too just received two of these and was also was very disappointed to learn that I could not individually address the LED's.

I've done some searching but haven't run across anything yet. Is there any information on the 6 pin protocol? I would be happy to run these from an arduino and hope we get a firmware update that enables this support in the future.

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Think I'm stuck with these, opened a ticket per suggested and they want $10.45 for shipping, new condition, and original boxes. I don't have the original boxes, and these are far from "new" condition as they're package-taped to the back of my TV (the adhesive came losse after a few weeks), this just seems like more of a headache than it's worth.


Is there any hope you guys will ever update these to be individually addressable? Or has the ship sailed for good?

@fleetmack -- send me a PM and I'll make sure you at least just get a refund. Idk who told you that, but I'll take care of it myself. I'm very sorry. Sorry, I don't typically check the Hubitat forum, so I didn't know until @cwwilson08 commented and tagged me that you hadn't been taken care of.

@cwwilson08 -- no, I don't think these will be able to be worked on in the near future. I'm hoping that in the next month or so we have some leverage with the manufacturer as we're entering a pretty exciting partnership that will strengthen our negotiations, but until then, the manufacturer has made it clear they are not planning on helping us out on the lightstrips.


Unfortunate. But understandable. Despite my best efforts to avoid, I suppose I'll need to look at a dyi project.

Thank you

DYI = do yourself in? If so, then I have many of those projects around the house.