Inovelli Red Series

So, I just got the switch, got it installed, and paired with my C7.

What I'm trying to do is set the LED to Red-Pulsing (always full bright) when the system is armed-away.

Set the LED to Red solid when Armed "Home" or Night (always at a set brightness).

Set the LED to Yellow Flashing (full bright) when any door is open.

Those seem to work well as notifications. However, I'm at a loss on the rest:

If all the outside doors are LOCKED, I want the LED to be Green (about 30% if the load is off, 100% if the load is on).

If any outside door is unlocked, I want the LED to be Blue (about 30% if the load is off, 100% if the load is on.

Because, for these last two situations, I want the LED to dim according to the thing it is switching, it doesn't seem like a "notification" will work (they have a fixed level, etc.).

Also. When is that "child device" needed? Is it still needed? Things seemed to work fine without it and adding it didn't seem to change much.


You could combine setNotification in an โ€œIF...โ€ statement and have it set two diff values - one with 30% and another with 100%. You can get the values from Inovelli Switch Toolbox.

Since the switch has control over the LED and settings to allow it to have an "On" brightness and an "Off" brightness and a color--I was looking for a way to set those properly.

It would be much less efficient if I had to incorporate "On/Off" LED setting logic for each of my Inovelli switches and dimmers--so I'm hoping that isn't necessary and that I can just set the "default" values from the hub.


If you set the default level when off to 30% (Parameter 15) and 100% (Parameter 14) in the device configuration, then your rule would work with only the setColor command. However, if you want the default levels (regardless of door open/close etc.) to be something different, then the level when off will always be what is set in the configuration.

The startNotification() and stopNotification(), however override the LED level (whether the switch is on or off). When the stopNotification() command is sent, it sets the LED back to what is in the configuration.

I have a similar rule except that I don't change the levels when the switch is off or on but you could add that condition

Am I missing something in what you are trying to do?

That sounds close.

I was wanting to set those default values. Thanks!

Inovelli's custom driver has a way to set the color of the "regular" (non-notification) LED. Hubitat's driver doesn't. Either driver will work for more or less this same purpose if you just set the notification LED to the "solid" effect with whatever color you want an an indefinite time as long as you're on relatively recent switch/dimmer firmware. The original shipping version cleared the notifications when the device was physically or digitally manipulated (it can still be cleared now but only by double-tapping the config button, which is the intent of such a double-tap in the first place). So for most purposes now, I'd say they're similar. Like you however, I prefer manipulating the actual "regular" LED for this--plus if you have a Black Series device, it helps you get pseudo-notifications out of them too. :slight_smile:

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Yep - Iโ€™m doing that on one of the Black series. The only issue is that I had to bump the LED off level to 30% (I had it at 10%) to actually have the change be visible. With startNotification on the Red series, I donโ€™t need to do that.

Have you tried this app? I use it to set all my notifications and it works great!

No, but I sorted it out (had to set the right parms).

Now, I have a (Rule Manager) app that pushes what I need to them (and, indeed, they are a lot like a dashboard :slight_smile: ).


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