Inovelli LZW42 “not compatible with C7”

I was excited to see these RGB bulbs on the list of compatible devices.

Went to pair the bulb and got this message.

Does anyone have insight on this discrepancy?

The Compatible Device List that you took a screenshot of used to have a note that the LZW42 (and LZW41) were not considered compatible with the C-7 hub. This is because they defaulted to S0 pairing, which causes incredible chattiness due to both inherent properties of S0 and the fact that color/CT Z-Wave bulbs just need a lot of commands to transmit information back and forth. This combination seemed to cause problems for enough people that this note was added. It appears to have been removed last fall, possibly in an automated update. Whether that was intentional or the result of some automatic process (I don't think particular this list is hand-maintained but rather automated output of data that they have organized), I don't know.

However, it's less of an issue now; a previous firmware update to the LZW42 bulb allowed a non-S0 pairing method, so you should be able to pair it without this problem. (You also could have always used--and still could use--a secondary controller to do this.) They are more likely to work better now, and even more likely after the optional Z-Wave radio firmware update for your hub in 2.3.1. I'm still not sure if this is "official" or just an accident, but that's the history. From a technical standpoint, it will definitely pair and should work; how well is the issue. :smiley: